I guess I'm not understanding something here.

1  2019-01-23 by brilliantdesigns

If we love Opie, why are we making his life miserable by fanning these gay redheaded "Mohrior" flames. I put "Mohrior" in quotes because it's that gross.


the sub has pissed your bed

No, I pissed my bed myself.


We both did.

Brothaman Hughes is above the petty whining and hate of holloywood has beens and homo never will be's.

He's a Twitter mute button away from going back to his non crumbling family.

For Jay Mohr to be a has-been, he had to have been.

It's not naking his life miserable. Niether him or anyone else really cares what they think. Opies so bored by it hes holding a poll to see what people favorite name is for a sandwhich or some shit today.

I agree that it's not naking his life miserable.

Nyce speling, stoopid


Just own your retardation, fucking retard.

no such thing as bad publicity. We're going to get him ahead of Rogan on the podcast charts. He's really close.

Is that true? Because Rogan has about 5 million subs.

Ope should have that many after the interview with Steve the Whistler goes live.

Sounds better than Joe interviewing Barri Weiss.

I heard that the episode discussing the jalapeno poppers at Fuddruckers picked him up over a million new subscribers

There's no we, you queer.

ShetUp you HUGE Faggot.

Jay Mohr cannot hurt us. For all intents and purposes, he can be considered an impotent non-combatant.

So you come from the school of: the more syllables the funnier.

It's one of those things like when a father loves his family so much he kills them so nothing bad will ever happen to them.

Those piles of pig shit I just got done reading about Barton down in Atlanta

Mind control messages are open to interpretation.