This photo kind of makes Jay Mohr look gay.

1  2019-01-23 by unclepaul84


Jesus Jay, your ex wife is more of a threat.

well he doesn't have a towel wrapped around her head

I use a t-shirt

juicy jay.

I think the suggestive photos where he’s cuddling with a literal homo makes him look a little more gay but what do I know, regular guy like me. Give me a container of coffee and the TV remote and I’ll let you shmucks discuss who’s gay or not

as long as the Pats are winning im winning

Your lips to God's ears, my friend

They all do.

He looks better than Nikki does

Why? I just don't get why an old boomer would take this pic. It's so bizarre and funny to me seeing old comics doing youthful trends. Especially as a comic. You would think comics would be the first to goof on it. It's bizarre. Divorce is a hell of a drug.

He’s wearing a necklace with a heart charm. Lolol

Very Cumia/Lightening-esque

Why are these old faggots all taking bathroom photos on themselves like fuckable teen girls?

Lifeless eyes, like a doll's eyes!

Nice tits, stupid.

Is Jay under the mistaken impression that he looks good and should be naked all the time? He’s only 48 and looks like a mid-late 50’s bloated booze bag desperately clinging to whatever hair he has left.

He brings nothing to the table.

More like Jay-Should-Do-Mohr cardio

Got eem

Dat niggah stole Opie's V.

Nice Mighty Beanz head, stupid

He looks very sad and alone.

Seems like Jay might have had some kind of mental breakdown in the past few years. Probably when he looked at his wife's face and realized he gave his son an old woman's name. Then he hooked up with this Logan Lynn fella who is some sort of 'mental health advocate' or some shit, He also looks like Coppercab with aids, just wanted to point that out. Then BOOM him and Jay Morh are taking "fishing trips", sharing hotel rooms, and making weird B&W music videos with gratuitous cock shots. WEIRD SHIT.