Joe Cumia REALLY cares about LIKES.

1  2019-01-23 by RBuddCumia



I feel like Boomers have Facebook to themselves now.

I had to do some show pieces where I filmed high schoolers (2013ish) talking about social media. They all abandon it when their grandparents joined. Nothing is more uncool than sharing space with pants shitters.

That's what gave rise to snapchat, then Instagram.

Thaaaaaaaaaaat wasn't for any show was it

It was in my mind.

Asshole thinks his acquaintances and family members owe him hours of attention them gets bitter.

How can dumbo Joe look up to a street shitter?

You sure seem to really care about him.

Fuck off, Compound subscriber. Feed Nana

That’s cute. But we all know you subscribe.

This is like that faggot calling everyone here homophobic and alt right for fucking with him. You, like that Logan guy, are a faggot cunt. Feed Nana

Nice delusional argument, stupid

He's an endless source of amusement.

Here, a 60yo unemployed man is whining about not getting enough attention on Facebook.

Okay great, now do you.

Shut it up boi


Adding a fake "87" in your although accounts is the kind of shit a retarded geriatric would do.

He was also absolutely enthralled by SOA, which was written in finger paint, so perhaps his legions of online followers don't take his taste in film and television very seriously.