Enough about that Logan guy already

1  2019-01-22 by JimNortonsSobriety


He will try to bait us back into trashing him as it's the only attention he gets.

I’m happy to oblige

He’s ‘bating while he’s baiting, the sick fuck.

How long until he takes his Twitter off private

NOT a pedophile.

The exact opposite of Logan Lynn, assuming Joe is telling the truth.

Not the exact opposite; they’re both terrible musicians and confirmed homosexuals.

You guys are doing it wrong, you should be hyping brother joe into thinking hes better without Ant and should do his own gig. Then when he and Ant have a horrid breakup go back to trashing him so theyre now both lonely, broke and hopeless.

All this talk about about Logan Lynn makes Joe sleepy

Hey guys, it’s Anthony Cue-mia’s Brother, does anyone have anything to say to him?

Sleeping ugly

Was this professionally done? What a queer.

"Step aside, Logan. Never let them forget who the *REAL* faggot is."

I was just thinking how Joe is probably jealous of our new punchbag.

Weak retinas

Crow flies straight