This flyer is laughably bad. Brother Joe performing at some bowling alley in Connecticut. I bet the bowling alley that hires this pedo to perform there would like to hear from us.

1  2019-01-22 by is2809


Link their social media page dumb ass.

Holy fuck these reviews. Got a N busting up

The owner is a massive cunt, she says that she knows Joe 15 years and that she’s well aware of the “games that I’m playing” . She then blocked on Facebook me by saying “#blockparty”.

Can you imagine having to explain all this at a potential booking? Bowling alley people, I'm not a pedophile.

Look, you're likely going to get contacted by some random people...they might say things like I'm a pedophile, I pay kids to spit in my mouth...shit like that

hahahaha fuck thats funny.

You've got to give Joe credit, he's managed to convince people that his own tweets are fabricated by this subreddit. Some of the over the top ones are, but most of the really vile ones are actually him, and they're so heinous he denies writing them.

Brother Joe is an absolute loser but I'm not going to fuck with the livelihoods of the other people in the group.

Fag, I’ll let this owner know who he’s booking.

Who books this retard? Like if I owned a bar and wanted entertainment, I'd just get karaoke or a DJ. I wouldn't get a shitty U2 "tribute" band led by a cosplaying pedo.

I’d let them know how you feel if I were you. ducks on the Ave

It's not even a real bowling ally. It's duck pin bowling. Holy shit that's pathetic.

Pedophiles can still enter into contracts, though

Pedophiles can be talented too (ie. Most of show business) unfortunately Joe didn't inherit that trait from his boy-loving brethren.

More like Cucks on the Ave

Well who doesn't immediately think of bowling alleys when they hear U2?

He has to go all the way to CT to play a fucking bowling alley.

He’s probably banned from any nearby. Siphoning child spit is a serious offense.

It's not Connecticut its "CR" short for "Cum Ranch" which is a spin off the Big Apple Ranch. Duh

200 bucks each and all the loaded nachos they can eat. It's a pretty sweet deal, Wade.

Nice shitty font, stupid


Nice state abbreviation, stupid.


Space Shuttle Connerricur

I might be way off-base, but I believe there is not an "R" in the word "Connecticut".

Anyone in a U2 cover band should be incinerated. I feel like the guy on the right would agree.

"Do you guys wanna have Bono in the center???"

Joe really thinks he is the star

Why is his dumb face, grandma reading glasses, and fat man tits more prominent in the poster than fake bono? Atleast that dude kinda looks like who he is cosplaying.

It's the shades lol

What a terrible picture. Why wouldn't anyone at least use a picture of them playing live on a stage? And why is Dave Letterman there with sunglasses on?

And budding Jim Florentine on the right must have just started taking his estrogen shots.

A bowling alley. The perfect play to go see live music.

The way this place sounds has to be one of those $15k shows that Joe claims to get

I MUST go see this!

Just spent a half hour on the phone with the owner. Joe will not be playing there according to the owner. He told me that Joe said he has the same manager as Louis Ck and could get him to do stand up at the alley.

People who wear shits of the Sphinx, Tigers and Dragons should be slaughtered.

Wtf is up with these clowns there a poor man's backup band. Btw why is this dude send the gay peace sign and another one is wearing gay pride colors.mmmm

Where The Pins Have No Names

Does joe wear that hat to look like edge, or just because he's bald? Is it weirder that just the singer dresses up, or if the singer dresses up, one guy literally only wears a hat, and the other guys try so little I couldnt even guess which is the drummer and which plays bass.

What are Ari Gold and David Letterman doing hanging with this fruit?

Wow is daytime TV star and non pedophile/racist Joseph Cumia? Star power!

Shouldn’t “bono” be the center of the picture?

Mono, The Veg, my old geography teacher and a guy who couldve lived next door to me for the last five years and i wouldnt have noticed.

Holy fuck! I live right near this!!

What town u from? i’m from manchester, i actually worked hanging door hangers for this place

Lets just say Hartford county and I'm pretty familiar with the farmington area

It's not even a real bowling ally. It's duck pin bowling. Holy shit that's pathetic.

Why isnt anyone upset about a nignog white-facing The Edge? Racial hypocrisy, I tell you

The AIDS David letterman and Bono extravaganza.

Pictured here: Edward Norton, Ted Danson, Pedophile, Jeff Daniels

Oh shit I have that same t-shirt brother Joe is wearing. Guess I'll burn it.

It still cant get over how little effort they put into looking like the band even though they tell everyone how more authentic a tribute band is than a cover band.

They're not trying anymore. The flyer even says "cover band".

Lmao i used to hang door hangers for this place

7 p.m.

I almost guarantee the owner of the alley who said #blockparty made this on his windows 95 paint

The owner is a massive cunt, she says that she knows Joe 15 years and that she’s well aware of the “games that I’m playing” . She then blocked on Facebook me by saying “#blockparty”.