Mohr Fake YouTube Views For Logan Lynn

1  2019-01-22 by Hxcgrapes


The Miley Cyrus cover has 762k views, yet it has 16 comments with a scattered "like" on some of the comments, no doubt by Logan Lynn himself. The other videos are similar in that they have a decent amount of views, but almost no comments or likes.

Nice paid robot accounts to get a buzz going, stupid.

That Fez Twatly guy is damn good but I don't think Lynn will take the bait.

I think he'll gobble it up.

And once he's done with the cum?

That's another irritating thing his "fans" keep saying.. "earworm"...nobody fucking says that. Nobody.

You've never said 'total earworm!!' in a sentence before? What, next you'll tell me you're not a Logan Lynn fan?

I was wondering what that meant

earworm: spermatozoa that has been ejaculated into the ear canal of a person desperate to stop the inane whiny crooning of Logan Lynn.

Despicable. Think of all the more deserving young LGBT artists whose voices are being drowned out by this privileged fraud and Jay Mohr.