Where the fuck was Joe going with that "so you're saying SPEECH makes you a racist!" shit?

1  2019-01-22 by imwearingbonds

I'm trying to figure it out and have no idea how that supposed to lead into a "gotcha!" moment.


Don't try to understand or you'll catch his retarded.


He tried to bring it back around with, “If you call me a guinea or a wop, would you say that’s racist? You would? Well, this wop doesn’t think so.” You know when he rehearsed it in his head he thought they would just collapse after hearing him refer to himself with an ethnic slur.

"I don't mind you calling me a wop, nigger, so why are you so mad?"

Joe is just a colossal buffoon.

The only place I know Joe goes to is the Big Apple Ranch, where his ideas go no one knows.

I think it's something along the line of "only actions can be racist, speech isn't really real". Or possibly "but whaddabout free speech huh gotcha". Because he really is that retarded.

Yes. Joe thinks that unless you catch him roasting a lynchee over a burning cross, it doesn't count.

Saying you want to put down niggers like rabid animals is a lot different than actually doing it

I'd rather have people like Logan Lynn saying stuff about minors than doing it to them

Where’s he going with it?! To the bank like with Ant’s monthly check! That’s where cosplay nigger Joe is going with it. However, soon that bovine eyed fucking cunt smug look on his zero self awareness faggot face will disappear just like the zero’s on the welfare promissory check have significantly dwindled once the SiriusXM fuck you funds stopped coming in.

Joe and Tranth have decided that only actual oppression causing loss of income or opportunity can be classed as racism. So if Nana told the Compound Media Coons they were all subhuman filthy big-lipped beasts who should all be executed but still continued paying them then it wouldn’t be racist. I’m sure you’ll agree, it makes a lot of sense.

Exactly. Checkmate Redditards!

The thing that gets me about that fiasco is that Joe knew he would be there that night and that most likely he would have to do verbal battle with SJW’s and/or one of us. He must have known this for weeks, if not months.

Now a non-retard would prepare for this as you would prepare for any debate. You know, so you don’t make a fool of yourself.

What Joe did is show up completely unprepared and just flailed around making no sense whatsoever. “So so so so so so so so yelling ‘SHE’S A NIGGERS’ on Twitter at the top of your lungs makes you racist?” What the fuck?

Whatever. In the end it doesn’t matter, because the number of people who showed up in connection with the book signing, including fans, family, SJW protestors, photographers, could literally be counted on two hands.