A guy with a 7000 word wikipedia page doesn't appear in autofill when you search 80% of his name.

1  2019-01-22 by Cumia_Box


I thought "Logan Lynn Marr" was him but it was just some kid that got murdered. A dead kid is more famous than Logan Lynn.

And probably a better musician

Hmm I might do some digging on the murder of Logan Lynn Marr case. Logan Lynn is 39 years old, I wonder where he was in 2001 when Marr, aged 5, was killed. An innocent person could be sitting in prison right now.

Did he take the name of the child he killed?

Pure gay evil.

Finkel is Einhorn!

You're confusing him with Logan Lynn-Mohr

This "friend of children" also has a song with 130,000 views and a whopping 23 comments. https://youtu.be/1sE9w5IHo88

I'll wait for the brother Joe acoustic cover, thanks.

I've heard better songs by Rebecca Black.

Nice internet presence, stupid.

Seriously, he has a video with 700k+ views and no one knows him. That and the confirmed fake Twitter followers.

Can someone less lazy than me post the fake YouTube views thing in more detail? All his songs just have 15 comments that say "nice" with a reply from Logan saying thanks.

I think I'm just drunk enough to accomplish this.

You can do this.

I've slapped something together. Hopefully we can build upon my findings.

Look at his social blade. Social blade is the best unbiased look into traffic for youtube and his youtube channel is basically dead. A couple thousand monthly views lately, which registers as a spike probably because of his interaction with this sub. His month views don't ever register on the long term projections so probably an average of 500-3000 month views. He's had a net gain of 1 (one) subscriber for the month.

He does have 4 million views but his channel has been up since 2006 so basically a channel that posted spam videos would have more views. He has had three videos reach 700k views, the top video being a Miley Cyrus cover, but those videos were in 2013 and 2016. Music channels get the most views on youtube so he has had a couple videos that might made maybe $100-300 in add revenue but there have only been a handful of those in 13 years of churning out garbage. He would've made way more money working retail. His yearly projected video views is listed at 40k views. That's like $20 in youtube ad revenue.

Morning drinking this guy is the epitome of shitdick pole greaser