#1 Logan Lynn fan here. Leave him alone, trolls.

1  2019-01-22 by imwearingbonds

Hi guys, I'm a huge logan lynn fan. After a hard day's work of putting down dogs at the local pound (such a pleasurable, cathartic job, mind you!) I like to come home and listen to logan lynn's music while my stupid whore wife makes me dinner. Fuck women and MAGA.

1 logan lynn fan, baby!


I agree

Those fucking KIKES cant stop us Lynn Men, 1488 brother! Every nigger must hang!

Heil Logan Lynn, brother!

LL, brother.

I love Logan Lynn. His commentary on why the Holocaust was a hoax is almost as good as his views of why gays, women and โ€œthe darkiesโ€ (as he likes to refer to African Americans) match the intelligence of the average house cat

Can you believe there are still some Logan Lynn fans who believe the holocaust happened -- just that the 6 million number was an exaggeration?

No. The whole thing didn't happen, sweaty.

Not! ๐Ÿ‘ Good! ๐Ÿ‘ Enough! ๐Ÿ‘ Do! ๐Ÿ‘ Better! ๐Ÿ‘

I don't get it, are you trying to get me to like him?


what the fuck Logan Lynn, accused pedophile, better fucking disavow you !!! i can't believe Logan Lynn, accused rapist, has misogynist, racist, nazi fans !

I'm a fan of his myself and if you view my post history you'll see that I hate the blacks. Just like Logan tells me to do in his records

Logan 14/88 means he just fucked kids ass

Fucked a 14 year old 88 times?

Not a 14 year old, and it was 488 times. Suuuuuuure.

Knowing what I do about this animal that makes more sense.

I think he gets it from his uncle. I think his name was Paul. Itโ€™s sad, but you canโ€™t take out your misfortune on others.

"The Holocaust, if true, is an hilarious concept" ~ Logan Lynn

148 Gang Bang

Knowing what I do about this animal that makes more sense.