Why is an accused child molester following a 11 year drag kid on Twitter?

1  2019-01-22 by iamjstn


These pederasts have to be stopped.

Why is there an 11 year old drag kid? And why are they on Twitter. Parents should be executed.

Every day I see shit like this, a very small percentage of me contemplates living off the grid and completely abandoning all civilization.

I have a fairly substantial inheritance coming; should start shopping for a low mileage, fully equipped nuclear submarine and a suitcase of heroin.

In fact, forget the submarine

Don't spit on a battery of ICBM's, even without warheads. Glue on a GPS, a camera, and 50lbs of porcine excrement; send them after fun targets.

There are literally videos of him hanging out with a convicted murderer and doing a striptease for money at a gay club. His parents should be fired into the sun.

It has to get worse before it gets better.

Who is the convicted murderer?

Haven't kept up with the drag kid, but I'm guessing it's Michael Alig. He chopped up a dude and threw his parts in the Hudson. Technically not a murderer because he was famous and it's New York so he only went down for manslaughter.

Ah jeez, I know who he is. What great company that kid is keeping already.

For a moment I thought it was going to be child killer Damien Echols.

Shame Luka Magnotta is still locked up, huh.

Yeah something like that. Killstream talked about a while back. Didn't he serve serious time?

Jews, Jews, and I agree.

Managed by @PEGmgmnt

They stopped even pretending to hide it

Desmond is Molested

Not shocked to be honest. They are getting too comfortable on Twitter. Just look up MAPs. They are running rampant.

Aware me on MAPs

It's a movement that Logan Lynn was key in starting

Lemme guess: Morally Acceptable Pedophilia?

Minor attracted person I believe it is

Which means the same thing as pedophile but is a neologism designed to make them into another special victim group like POC and LGBT.

Minor-Attracted Persons

So he can fuck it, duh.


It's not surprising at all. Logan has admitted to being molested, which makes him more likely than not to be a pedophile himself.

Peg Management.

Gay people aren't pedoph--

So he can meet Michael Alig

Aware me on MAPs