If you had the worms phone number what would you say to him?

1  2019-01-21 by _Bick_Bickerson

One good message before he blocked you. What would it be?


Make good use of your toe trigger attachment.

99% sure i have the worms phone number but i just really dont have anything to say to him

My college dorm had safe floors for sober people and everytime the elevator door openened on those floors we'd yell out beer! Rum! Cabernet sauvignon! To piss them off or trigger them or whatever well thats what i would do to lil yimmy

i used to think i was dumb for not going to college

Damn, y'all were some wild ones!

what college accepted you?

Kill yourself faggot

My girlfriend won't let me shit in her mouth and I'd like to try stand up but don't know where to begin, any advice?

You're not an alcoholic. You made up that lie decades ago and now you've dug yourself too deep to go back on it. You know I'm right.

I would ASMR some gummy bear edibles and cause him to relapse

I literally have his phone number