Leslie Jones continues complaining about new Ghostbusters, no one involved in the 2016 remake has joined her cause

1  2019-01-21 by dropngo


The only thing worse than police is female police


She's probably some fat nerdette behind a desk

That bitch must be 500lbs with all the dude bros she eats for lunch.

I just noticed the top tweet can't @mention Kate McKinnon or Kristen Wigg because they purposely stay off social media since they think it would be a waste of their time. Smart. But Kate McKinnon at least gets her name mentioned while Wigg isn't mentioned at all making it sound like @SarahBillsMafia only wants 3 of the 4 back.

McCartney, McKinnon, Wigg get cast in other movies. Rachel Jeantel thought the lady Ghostbusters franchise would be her post-SNL meal ticket.


(Chimp screeching)

Nice passivity, stupid

Monarch butterfly in her twitter name? Is her handler openly signalling that she is a MK-Ultra sex slave? I feel sad for her.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a "dudebro." Got it.

And will apparently have the police after them. Nice abuse of power, stupid.

Where does that leave brothermen?

Not as sad as that pathetic movie of you yelling and repeating unfunny shit in the MTA.

Fucking Harambe.