Call me a fag all you like, but I'd like to recommend this Life Coach to anybody looking to turn their life around. He certainly worked for me!

1  2019-01-21 by ProfessionalCrump


But don't forget to read the DISCLAIMER before making any final decision!:

"I am unqualified."

It really might as well read "CONSULT ME FOR ADVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK."

"I am unqualified."

If only Jay could have coached his own life a little better. Imagine going from starring in Tom Cruise blockbusters to hosting a podcast nobody gives a fuck about with two disastrous marriages behind you. Sign me up!

It’s for MK Ultra survivors

It should feature testimonials and promotional words from Elliott Rodger and Adam Lanza.

I've always despised the fact that he keeps trying to get everyone to call him "JJ"

I feel like my life is going ok, but what it's missing is a relationship with a really adventurous woman. Someone fearless, who's not afraid to live life right on the edge. I'm not really into travel or extreme sports; so maybe just a woman who's into low-cost experimental plastic surgery and has a fistful of untreated mental illnesses. Oh, and I'd really like it if her face looked like a poorly-made plastic trout.

You think JJ could help me out?

I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for an "intuitive" like JJ. He may even suggest techniques to ensure a long, fruitful romance with the lucky-lady-to-be: such as taking her surname, or allowing her to incorporate her creative insights into your decades-long passion on account of her inability to cultivate any hobbies or interests of her own!

He sounds ideal; thank you for the recommendation!

Don't mention it! #MohrriorNation