Redditors Are Theatrical Faggots (9/∞)

1  2019-01-21 by FireManCandor


So so so so so so now your a suicidal clown

I'll give her something to commit suicide over.

Found Jim Carrey's reddit account.

What are you going to give her?

Compound subscription.

Permanently suspended

She'll be permanently suspended from the ceiling.

Less make up. More walking.

I liked it when people used to kill themselves without broadcasting it to the world. I feel bad for her and the poor prick who is going to try and date her-

My old man used to say to me, that the larger the item a girl throws at you the better she is in bed.

so your dad was into gross bruisers?

Those DDR discus throwers must've been the best ones then

Those Japs that sneak off into the forest to kill themselves seem like they are doing it the best way possible.

No mess, no delaying or hassle for other people and it wouldn't physically harm another person.

R Budd Dwyer was to broadcasted suicides what MC Herc was to hip hop.

Can't wait for round 2

Of all the social networks, why is 100% of the teen angst concentrated here?

Old people took Facebook, whores took Instagram and Snapchat, and on Twitter you only get attention if you’re a grown man or woman who acts like a whiny teenager.

tumblr lost popularity and they all came to reddit instead

Is she even a teen? She looks middle aged in her first pic.

A lot of non-teens still have teen angst. I didn’t realize that until I started talking to people on here.

Fair point.

Last night I tried to kill myself


Artie Lange’s half hearted attempts are more believable.

Artie did try, he just didn't have a knife long enough to penetrate the fat layer of this belly.

I read his book too.

took eight tylenol

I know a girl who actually did this and said she “attempted” haha

"She put herself into a codeine overdose, Sam!"

It was muuurrrduuurrr

I take that just to get through night shift at the factory! Amirite guys?? #workingfortheweekend

Technically if I hold my breath, I tried to kill myself.

*should have

Women are terrible at everything.

Except failing

Or falling. Ask Troy.

Why would anyone ever post something like that with their face attached to it?

I’d nail her. Also when has anyone ever had a visit to the ER where it ever felt like anyone gave a shit?

"While I was waiting in an empty exam room for 4 hours, I felt like they really cared!"

Who 'attempts' suicide and them immediately posts about it on reddit?

Someone in desperate need of attention.

Attention seeking whores like this one. Same people who do 'good deeds' and feel compelled to share it on shitty sites like Reddit for approval by the public. I wish they would allow only certain people to have internet access

Halal chicken spots are disgusting. Rather hang out with black Israelites on broad St

dude i've seen people claiming to have lost a child post about it on reddit the next day

Borderline personality disorder

Someone needs a good deep dickin.


Not in this particular instance.

It really does cheer people up doesnt it

Imagine being so bad at killing yourself, instead of dying the next day you wake up and start bragging about your failure online.

Nice suicide, stupid

10/10 nice line

I wish I tried to kill myself so I could spend the whole day tomorrow getting ready to go on a walk INSTEAD OF GETTING UP AT 4 IN THE SHIT CUNT MORNING TO GO SWEAT OUTSIDE IN THE COLD


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“I did make up and went for a walk. “That’s it? How bout get a job? Maybe it will give u a sense of purpose in life. Or at the very least something legitimate to be depressed about

Attention please!!! Me me me me me

On some real. What happened to reddit? The amount of butthurt in the threads about the native American and the maga kids alone is tremendous. Now this? Do I not go to the right subs and this shit is common? Did reddit get mainstream and now the only safe place for depravity is this sub?

are you joking? reddit (default subs especially) have always been full of insufferable faggots

Makeup is rape.

Bullying people into suicide is wrong.

She looked better when she was all tired from suiciding.

Try. Harder.

Fucking women. Can they ever get it right the first time?

At some point I wanted to get into psychiatry, then after the first week of patients realizing this is the majority of patients you meet. You want to help them but you quickly realize

1: they will grow out of it

2: they just want attention, there is no underlying diagnosis except for a semi shitty childhood (in most a good childhood)

3: we are enabling them to get attention.

Generation Z is beyond the gayest, weakest, dumbest, attention seeking lamers to ever walk the good earth.

She’s hot.

She has about 12 oz of makeup on to cover her face. Who has green eye sockets anyway, unless it’s a result of decomposition.


Nothing's worse than a suicide chump

this post history will be great on a resume.

bitch i come here to laugh not have an anxiety attack (at the thought of being in the same zip code as such a person)

Of course it was pills. i dont see a half blown off face or huge bandages around her arms or even bruising around the neck, they also let her out the next day which means she didn't tell them it was an attempt and they didn't even guess. Oooo she took a lot of generic Benadryl, this is some serious shit guys.

And this is supposing its not COMPLETE bullshit.

Those posts can fuck off... the comments are always "stay strong" and then the people who make those comments go right back to commenting on shit porn subreddits

"Men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women, although women attempt it more. So men are better at it."

-George Carlin

"While I was waiting in an empty exam room for 4 hours, I felt like they really cared!"