Every time. Every single time some D level celebrity or mentally retarded distant relative of a show member draw our ire, they start talking about the "Pests".

1  2019-01-21 by MonsieurObloquy

Fuck the pests. What a bunch of fame hungry, look at me queers who wanted to get an invite to the Compound Child Porn Screening Night or for Jimmy Morton to say their name when they made jokes on instant feedback. Nobody here gives anything like a shit about that sort of shit anymore, at least not that I can tell.

If Opie came here and begged us to stop making fun of Homo Logan, nobody would. Certainly not me, and I have a pretty high opinion of the Destroyer compared to a lot of the sub.

If you think you are a OnA Pest in 2019, you should kill yourself in a way that will lead to small children finding your body.


Leave the poor boomer truckers alone it's all they have.

When I think of the kind of fat queers who were organizing "raids" and talking about "Phase 2 Complete" on Paltalk and Wackbag, I just imagine those Compound poker night pics full of old fat losers. The kind of smelly shits who bring a big old smile and their trucking paycheck to the strip club every payday to hand to disinterested 19 year olds.

That's not what this filthy rotten place is. Ant and Joe never figured that out. Opie, I think, has in some way but can't admit it. Jim and Sam are just scared.

I think Opie does understand it, and that's why he doesn't talk about it. Why share that info for Anthony or Jim? He's got it pretty good right now and he wants to keep it that way.

Opie is cool.

Opie is GOTHIC!


I used to be a pest. One night, Jimmy made a few of us go cruising for tranny hookers. We got one and brought it back to the motel for Jimmy. Things got out of hand. The tranny was crying and in pain and needed to go to the hospital. Jimmy was screaming at all of us, which upset the tranny more. I thought we were all going to jail. But then Kenny & Keith showed up and made it all go away. That was a scary night. I quit the pests the next morning. We were just loyal, proud, devoted listeners who were being exploited by evil, suck millionaires. Never meet your heroes, folks.

Woah Woah, slower and sexier about the crying tranny next time.

That’s fucking sick. How is Jim still on Sirius??

Pedophiles and sickos run the mainstream media. Jimmy is nothing compared to the guys up top.

Eh, this place seems pretty damn Pesty to me.

We prefer to be referred to as Knuckleheads if you don't mind.

Some of the stuff you guys do is a little blue for my taste

The K isn't silent, and neither are we!

opie is an active pedophile. the nickname "destroyer" was coined when he brutally ruptured a 4 year olds large intestine through anal sex.

You're still trying too hard.

Man. I miss the old days. Fuck Anthony for fucking everything up. Seriously, I loved that fucking show and I loved when the listeners would make some dumb radio hosts miserable for a day and a half each October. I’m not going to pretend it never happened - I loved that corny shit. Anthony let a lot of people down. Fuck him.

This guy gets it

It brought a smile to my empty mornings. Now all I have left to look forward to is the mop at Panera and this den of toxic faggotry.

We are the Naked Militia.

You're goddamn right.

Protecting the Kingdom of Nakedness.

They did run a nice server on Day of Defeat Source tho

We're Beefer Bros now.

I hate you so much for this comment.

Me too.

This sub is more like pizza, while the pests are very much hamburger

You are more like a faggot.

More like? Look at this hamburger

So kill yourself in Anthony Cumia's bedroom?