Gene Simmons Really Busting Apart Those Stereotypes

1  2019-01-21 by ConcreteSkull


He's so jewish he somehow looks like an Injun. Must be all that Neanderthal DNA.

He looks like the Bar Rescue guy

Nigga, my ribs

A woman with a head as big as Gene's is an astounding freak.

He checked "Rondo Hatton lookin' ass bitch" off his fuck list that day.

Disloyal, Israel-first kike

That's Gadaffi

Gene Simmons was my introductory course on hating Jews.

the weatherbeaten soy sauce eskimo was particularly pleased with his whaling catch, that day...

I can’t believe this fucking prick was eating at the Rock & Brew at LAX.

What's Chaim been up to?

" Maybe I'll fuck your girlfriend later", that shit was hilarious. Ant didn't have the balls to do shit about it either.

Bret Hart looking queer

I think he actually tried to trademark a money bag. And oh yeah, Kiss sucks!