Anthony could murder his staff live on air and then turn the gun on himself and it still wouldn't be posted here, the only place that notices him, until 4 days later when the cleaner found them.

1  2019-01-20 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


Don’t tease us like that.

Lol if you think Keith pays for a cleaning service. His own wife washes nana's underwear and buys his groceries.

Compound Media might as well be the witness protection program. No one's gonna find you.

Oh quit being silly. We all love the comedic musings of Don Landau

LOL, Kevin Brennan spilled a cup of tea and there were a half dozen threads here within seconds.

AnthH had a cold and one show early and there were constant front page threads on his health for a week.

Fuck off Fred

And what the fuck is a Delco Proper? Sounds like a rapper from the 90's.

I upload daily CM shows and don't even fucking watch any of them.