The comedy boom has officially jumped the shark

1  2019-01-20 by NixingJoe


Even Netflix thinks this embarrassing

It just means that after the bubble burst the strongest of them will be left. There will be laughter instead of applause.

The LA attitude: “everyone is beautiful and great” is repulsive and phony.

The people that live there in show business will screw anyone over to get one more pat on the back.

Wow, it actually is true. Literally just anyone can be a comic now. Yeah, cool

He already works at showtime as a combat sports analyst. This is basically marketing.

Joe Rogan’s fan base is incredibly generous and nice

To give an autistic midget his own successful podcast was very nice

I’m gonna love hate watching this

The dude wears size extra medium girl pants

for sure

Didn’t Showtime also give Gronk a special?

He hosted it, Big Jay and Dan Soder did a bit about it.

“We didn’t it fam” isn’t this guy in his mid forties?

That expression he's making is fucking infuriating.

Roe Jogan is a bald faggot and deserves to die in grease fire for promoting these jizz buckets.

In fairness, it's not entirely difficult to get an hour on Showtime. Look at Club Piscopo.

People who say "family" should be skinned.

Who watches this shit?

I assume his standup is atrocious, but he's actually decent in podcast format

What'd this guy do, like a couple of open mics and guest spots at the comedy store?

No wonder most comedians hate this fucking business. Jesus. Wish CQ was still fat & depressed talking with Bobby Kelly - would love to hear him talk about this fucking fiasco.

A 1 hour special on Showtime. Fuck.


fam ...

Literally anyone can be a “comic.”

  • Steve O
  • this retard
  • roddy piper
  • Jim Norton

The list goes on

Naming his special after a meme.

I hate to admit this but I was there for the late show. My buddy is a fan and wanted to go and bought the tickets so I tagged along. It was not good. Even my friend was pretty disappointed. Although as someone else said, the crowd was extremely generous to him. The cheering was ridiculous. I met a couple hot chicks so it wasn't a total loss.

Can you give us an example? (Of joke and hot chick)

Of course not. I imagine you wont find either at that show. No single hot chicks are at that show. Get the fuck out of here . He is definitely loying

This loser?

Most appropriate initials in the business.

You know he is funny because his eyebrow is raised.