Jay Mohr and Lynn whatever their name is are so out of touch I honestly think they might be doing this to drum up some publicity for themselves.

1  2019-01-20 by Mcchisell

And I'm disgusted by their attempts to make Opester turn on us.


That Lynn creep's wikipedia is so goddamn long that he's certainly one of those obsessive "celebrities" that lets him know anytime his name is mentioned anywhere.

He popped up here and decided this would be his crusade against bigotry and intolerance. This is his moment to be a victim and rise up to show he's stronger than hate. Unfortunately dummy kicked the wrong hornet's nest.

All the worse, instead of coming here and truly kicking the hornets nest he's trying to cut corners by getting Opie to order us to be nice. Just pathetic on many levels.

Did that faggot really kill jay's retarded aunt?

He’s so fucked, we banish faggots like this to Obscurity.

Real quote from the wiki page:

" Jay is quoted as saying "Logan Lynn is a loving artist. He knows he has doors to open that we can't close, so in ‘Nothing's Ever Wrong' he leaves out everything but what's there. The big change to the minor chords when he sings 'cause it's not my life'.... It shook me. I mean driving-and-crying shook me. It's so beautiful. Indescribably beautiful, but it's ominous for me... foreboding. Like if he goes any further it will break your heart; a door that can never be closed if he opens it." "

What did Jay Mohr do?

Jay was always a crazy fuck. guess this isnt that shocking.

If these dopes actually believe you have to be gay to be a faggot then they're the ones suffering from homophobia.

"reverse cyber fag bashed" Holy crow, the faggotry.

What really pisses me off about gingerbeard is that he uses “be better.” He lift that from the Gillette as?

They're gay now.