Everyone's losing their minds over this video today. The kid in it was just doxxed by delusional faggots...

1  2019-01-20 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Standing and smiling while someone drums in your face is now some sort of racist hate crime. Think about that.

It’s like what it represeents maaaan

The kid is a Faggot. Everyone attending this is also a Faggot. You're a Faggot. I'm a Faggot. Faggot.

Yah I'd have to agree


Well yeah it’s all faggotry

It’ll never happen, but I’d be nice for someone, his school even to come out and say this dude did nothing wrong to mr Apache, and going through his teenage years looking like a twink is punishment enough.

I guarantee you the school will condemn him. The Catholic establishment is as left wing and signally as any other institution.

I honestly dont get why they let the kids run around and go back and forth with the black Jews in MAGA hats.

I thought the church was opposed to Trump’s BS.

Maybe they thought it would be funny to trigger people IDK.

Just all around douche behavior from everyone

This kid is absolutely a douche, but doxxing a teenager is wrong.

Luckily he’ll have a job at compound media

Nana will hire him as an intern and expect him to keep quiet about the abuse or be forced to go into the basement with big a

He will be given some Bolt on tits

WHy is he a douche?

He’s just the typical douchebag teenager. Fucking with the older dude, staring him down and smirking.

He didn’t do anything racist like the media was saying. He’s just an asshole, but it’s pretty typical at that age.

The other guy started it, though. I don't get the reason to pile on this kid just for being white and unapologetic.

Take away the MAGA hats and the politics of the situation and most people would agree he being a douche.

What does "being a douche" mean? You don't like the way his face looks?

Just being overall disrespectful to an old dude.

With that stupid smile, It could have been him just being uncomfortable, but he did choose to stand in front of the dude when everyone else moved away.

Disrespectful to an old dude? You serious?

Anyone who acts aggressive or disrespectful towards me will get it back.

Still haven't seen a reason other than how the kid looks.

So not moving out of someone’s way and staring them down is okay?

The Native didn’t target him, he was just walking to the monument. I’m not even sure he was trying to make a statement to the children.

New footage and bystanders are saying he was trying to calm tensions between the black Jews and MAGA fags

" tensions between the black Jews and MAGA fags"

You mean the school group getting called racial epithets by black supremacists? Then having some Native "activist" get in his face aggressively and disrespectfully? They weren't blocking his path anywhere. He walked right up to them and started being confrontational.

They were blocking the steps, I’ve seen the video everyone else moved out of the way. Douchebag face stood in front and smirked like an asshole.

The Indian couldn't move around him?

Meanwhile the SJW faggots have said nothing about the Hebrew israelite retards that came to disrupt the Native American thing with their delusional shit about being jews or something

Those are just black people with beards

Black Israelites > old faggot drummer Indians

They were yelling at one of the Black students 'Nigger get out dey gonna steal your organs!' Black Israelites are great.

If the whole thing was a troll (and it probably is) it might be the greatest troll of all time.

Everyone smiling in that video is a wormy little douchebag

Do they remind you of the bullies?

LOL thanks for clocking yourself.

Tsss yeah or how bout fawkin... uh.... pocketwatchin myself asumptin...

^ This is every faggot who annoys people on this subreddit. Backed into a corner and does Chip. LOL kys faggot.

I don’t understand. The Native American adult approached the kid. A minor. He was standing aside. The Native American then walks right up on him and starts banging a drum in his face. The kid smiles and says or does nothing. Seriously, what am I missing? Who harassed who?

If it was just this old dude and this kid that would be a fair point. The fact is that it was 1 old dude and 900 faggots yelling at him. Pretending like those are same scenarios is just dishonest. I don’t think any teenager should be doxxed but that doesn’t make him and all his friends victims of some old guy with a drum.

Listen faggot they approached the kids -- it wasn't one old dude it was a group -- and his group was yelling things like 'Go back to Europe you White person you don't belong here'. Stop being a fucking queer and get your head out of your ass.

Stop being so offended by shit that doesn’t matter or affect you in the slightest. Fuckin Cumia.

I'm not offended by anything and you're just wrong about what actually happened. Also, you're a faggot. Have a good day.

Yes, nonstop media bashing of whites, men, tradition, etc. truly has no effect on our lives

No one's the victim of anything. Nothing happened

Downvoting faggots but no replies.

Basically everyone in this video needs a solid ass-beating, and the kid looks like a real smarmy douchebag, but he didn’t do anything worthy of being doxxed. Give him a few months and he’ll catch a date rape charge and ruin his life on his own.

What's wrong with the kids?

Anybody who stands in front of a grown man with that shit-eating smirk needs his teeth kicked in.

You have a really bizarre value system. Smirking while young is unconscionable but kicking a kid's teeth in is fine.

Going back to my original point, he looks douchey in a photo that was obviously cherry-picked for that purpose. And who gives a fuck how he looks? Your whole faggot narrative collapsed. Accept it.

Cool it, dumbshit, I don’t come here to have serious discussions about my value system.

Stick to sucking cum out of your dad's asshole.

I like how everyone tries to pretend they give a fuck about Indians now. Go back to the Rez granddad.

White people who didn't grow up around them see them as noble mystics with a deep connection to the land or some such shit

A bunch of moralfag boomers in here. See Tim pools or Vincent James vid on the situation. Don’t let the MSM take you for a ride.

I like Vince James. Good dude.

Moralfag boomers and liberals

I'm liberal/ leftist and I think SJW's are a bunch of retarded faggots that should be shot.

CK was right,your kids,go fucking nuts. Hilarious

White people who didn't grow up around them see them as noble mystics with a deep connection to the land or some such shit

He’s just the typical douchebag teenager. Fucking with the older dude, staring him down and smirking.

He didn’t do anything racist like the media was saying. He’s just an asshole, but it’s pretty typical at that age.