1  2019-01-20 by swampbastard1415


He's too boring to be gay.

Lotta problems in that head. Lotta problems.


Here's Maron at his best. He's not a good comedian, but he's fantastic at interviewing people. He does this thing where he oscillates between complimenting people and insulting them. This works really well if you're interviewing celebrities, because they're a bunch of narcissists.

Jim Norton could learn a lot from Maron; Norton is always so deferential and sleazy around celebrities.

Having said all that, Maron's politics suck and he's not funny. But he's a great interviewer. Nobody else could have pulled off that interview with Mencia, he would've stormed out of the room.

You could have at least linked a clip or a timestamp of him being interesting. I scrubbed across the first 10 minutes, the faggot is just talking about coffee and housework and shit. I couldn't listen to that boring loser, fuck this faggot.

Good point. I updated the post.


Marc Maron - pretentious, passive aggressive, sensitive pussy with zero humor...essentially like all modern comedians.

Despite all of that being true, you really do seem to be missing the main issue with Marc Maron.

I think it's (((genetic)))

once you start to notice a lot of shit starts making sense

Yeah, but they have a harder time exploiting the chinks en masse because they didn't go to East Asia a few thousand years ago with their inbred desert religion to breed with and convert "fellow chinks"

I might not have heard it correctly, but I was listening to some dude read a piece by Jung the other day, and I could have sworn he said that the appropriate responses to an out of control woman were beating and/or raping them.

So I guess what I'm saying is, clear some space on the sidebar.

So I guess what I'm saying is, clear some space on the sidebar.

it would be funny if Jung became a Mel tier saint of the sub

I've always been a real big fan of Jung and this quote confirms to me he was every bit the genius I thought he was.

He is the godfather of the modern unfunny woke comedians.

Typical Alt Comic, incapable of being funny or having a sense of humor so they have to 'subvert your expectations of being funny', up until now they didn't have the faggoty SJW shit to fall back on as a cheap way to get attention.

Andy Kindler


Anti-White Jew


he's an alright interviewer, never heard his actual standup that

I dont Marc but I don't think he's ever made me laugh.

It’s like Patrice said about Jeff Ross. There’s many like him. When people call people like Maron a comedy legend, they really mean a myth.

You heard they were funny, but you’ve never seen it and you’ve never experienced yourself.

Patrice and Maron were close, he even brought Patrice to do a skit with him on a talk show. One of the last podcasts Patrice did was with Maron.

I don't hate his interviews either, he goes deep

I don’t question that his ability as an interviewer. Patrice did like him but I’m pretty sure he’d call him out on his shit from time to time.

So he's basically the Black Flag of comedy?

His show is OK, but he's easily the least funny person on it

I laughed once when he did a bit about Jews being a pain in everyone's ass.

I dont hate Marc but I don't think he's ever made me laugh.

I saw Marc in Portland. The comment that "Maron’s a pussyhound who acts gayish to dupe pseudointellectual faux artistes into fucking him", that's perfect. It was jarring how much effort he'd put into his appearance. It's like he wanted to be a lead singer in a band but stumbled into comedy.

His set was completely forgettable. Not bad enough to be cringey but I don't remember a single joke.

Obviously his talent is interviewing. I get the impression that he's obsessive compulsive about being prepared and it shows. Probably the best interviewer at the moment.

he was funny on your moms house podcast.

i was suprised

Maron’s a pussyhound who acts gayish to dupe pseudointellectual faux artists into fucking him.

yup. they hate jocks and alpha acting guys because they have to resort to creepy underhanded tactics to dupe women into liking them

DiPaolo always said this of Maron, and that whole Luna Lounge clique. They're all just angry insecure nerds trying to take their rage and personal agendas out on the world through their 'stand up.'

it's insane and a borderline illegal bypass of campaign finance laws the way Jews as a group deliberately use "comedy" like SNL, netflix cartoons, and The Daily Show as a means for political activism and propaganda


He called this subreddit a bunch of "unfuckable hate nerds" when he was kvetching about the backlash his fellow chosenite Amy "Fat Cunt" Schumer was getting over her theft of negro "intellectual" property.

Marc Maron apparently tracked down the source of all the negativity being directed at Kosher Pig and landed here.

I've also done a bit of research and discovered that Amy's theivery of Patrice jokes was just the tip of the (((iceberg))).

Jews have been the ones stealing from blacks since they floated them around the world as cargo on their merchant ships.

I believe it started here in the US.


"Mezzrow praised and admired the African-American style. In his autobiography, Really the Blues, he wrote that from the moment he heard jazz he "was going to be a Negro musician, hipping [teaching] the world about the blues the way only Negroes can."

"Mezzrow married a black woman, Mae (also known as Johnnie Mae), moved to Harlem, New York, and declared himself a "voluntary Negro".

Talk about cultural appropriation. Oy vey!

Billy Crystal's Blues negro character makes more sense now, though. He really thinks he can relate n shiet.

Wigger? More like Jigger! LOL!

Wait... that is totally where Jay Z got that


"From its commercial golden age in the 1980s and early 1990s, Jewish artists, producers, and executives played a significant role in the hip hop industry.[1] These included N.W.A. manager Jerry Heller, producer Rick Rubin, and former Def Jam Recordings CEO Lyor Cohen, as well as majority-Jewish rap groups like 3rd Bass, The Whooliganz, and most prominently, the Beastie Boys. Josh Noreck of Hip Hop Hoodíos later stated that "before Eminem, pretty much the only white rappers were Jewish."

This isn't even the half of it! How degrading can one group be to another? Sheesh!

I think the only way this could even remotely begin to be made right, and this is just a maybe is if Israel accepts a steady stream of Sub Saharan African migrants (only about 6 million over a 10 year period) and shows the world that there is no room for bigotry or disgusting stereotypes, because when you stereotype a specific "race" you really just bring us all down as there is only one Race.


A+ post. 6 million up votes for you.


Eminem has admitted being Jewish https://youtu.be/ovEH3-p-eIA

His first single 'My Name Is' has to be the most neurotic hip hop song I've ever heard.

Who? Mike jones

C'mere slut (shady wait a minute thats my girl dawg) I don't give a fuck god sent me to piss the world off

Now "White America" make sense.

Have you heard Mr. Bond's version?

Way better IMO


Thank you for your service.

Thank you for taking the time with this backstory. Quite helpful. Also, exactly right on the slave trade.

How degrading can one group be to another? Sheesh!

I just learned about this (((guy))) today.


Israel accepting black migrants

google (or bing, where they don't censor as much) "Israel sterilize blacks"

After many years denying it, Israel finally admitted in 2013 that it had been secretly injecting undesirable immigrant Ethiopian Jews with birth control drugs to involuntarily sterilize them

holy shit, this was part of the program where 100k ethipoians pretending they are jewish got to immigrate to Isreal. And they "inoculated" them in transit camps in Africa, and told them to keep taking it after they arrived.

yup. Next step is to realize "muh joo conspiracy theory" is a tactic used to mislead from the fact that the race-mixing and marriage/family ldestroying stuff directed towards whites is orchestrated with the same deliberation and sense of purpose by the same people.

First they bring the blacks over, then they convince us not to kill and castrate them, now we have this fine talmudic mess.

This effeminate hipster faggot was the original SJW. He was SJWing before it was cool.

Was he?

Honestly I'm not sure, but did I sound convincing?

He was a complete ass to everyone in the standup community for years , and now that he has the podcast he pretends to have changed. I don't believe it for a second. But he's not really a sjw, more like an overrated bitter narcissist with a podcast who is'nt very funny.. Like Joe rogan


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I've never even heard this dork speak. Years ago I saw a preview for his "Thinky Pain" special or whatever on Netflix and I hated the stupid title and the stupid face he was making and I gave it a hard pass.

He was the Hannah Gatsby of Jewish men 10 years ago.

Thinky pain is some middle school girl level of funny.

This is a monstrous creature that should be put down immediately. Ugh.

Decent interviewer, really unfunny comedian, seems like an overall terrible person.

Hasn’t made me laugh once. Narcissistic kike

‘Who was your guy’ yuck.

What did he say this time

Does it matter?

He's like a real-life one of those Oh Hello guys. A pervy old fruit pretending to be cool and is actually a monster.

Copy his act and just say Jew first thing.

Much better podcast than standup. Always heard this guy was a genius but I've never been more than slightly amused by him

When Artie dies I hope he leaves Maron his cocaine. Cocaine laced with AIDS blood.

With a toe trigger attachment

If you're not smart enough to understand the humor in jokes that might have been mildly controversial in the early 80's then you just don't get him, man. But I can't hate the guy, he gets Eddie Pepitone some airplay sometimes


Unfortunately I feel like Louie would be first to go on his show during his comeback before if he would even go on Jim and Sam at all

The Jews are bad! Nwo! Lizard people! Flat earth! Faggots!

Ugh you MDE fucks are more repetitive than us actual O and A subreddits fags

"Have you guys heard of the Rolling Stones? They're real cool cats"

another self-obsessed jew fighting a non-existent drug addiction

Thinky pain was funny as fuck, and he was good in glow.

I liked his TV show.

i remember gavin mcinnes saying something on rogans podcast about marc maron "skullfucking passed out teenagers" or something to that effect. seems right up this faggots alley.


Andy Kindler