Anthony will unironically say he's white. Real Italians will disagree.

1  2019-01-20 by BrainPainter


Itching for a fist fight? Tell a southern Italian -- or better yet a Greek -- about Moorish/Turk admixture. Or if you want to get into a knife fight tell a Macedonian Alexander The Great was Greek.

This goes back to antiquity. The irony Southern Italians claiming some sort of lineage to Ancient Rome makes want to retch.

They Wuz Kangs too

In Napoli, lot of people are not so happy for Columbus. He was from Genoa... North of Italy always have the money and-a the power. They punish the South for years. Even today, they put-a they noses up at us like we are peasants.

I hate the north!


I thought in Napoli love was key? Gib me dem ribs, you!

Furio = The GOAT

My father is from Venice. He’s chock full of hilarious, unintentional, casual racism. Sicilians are definitely one of his targets.

Can confirm. My family came from Genoa.

This is why all the Cumia-type Italian-Americans are so fiercely racist. They think that if they scream about black crime loudly enough, we will assume they are white and welcome them into polite society.

Also, they know they are incredibly stupid, which is why they have a hair trigger inferiority complex. "What, you tink you betta dan me?!?"

They aren't people