'Why don't people take me seriously?!?'

1  2019-01-20 by Bakersfield__Chimp


Do these fucks know anything that isn't pop culture? Read another fucking book and do so in front of a train, cunt.

'How absolutely dare you insult us while we're wearing knit hats that look like vaginas (poorly)!'

Yeah, but what if she’s reading “How To Avoid Trains While Reading On The Tracks?”

If she didn't have a cumdump hole nobody would listen or cared if she lived/died

You don't like her 1983 glasses?

80's glasses to me are these fucks, never seen a chick look good in them it was impossible https://www.etsy.com/listing/628588644/vintage-nos-1980s-pierre-cardin-brown?ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-5&pro=1

Every hot broads gross friend wore those in 80s movies

Back then that style was popular with good looking chicks, but once they walked in to school next day wearing a pair it was same as them gaining hundred pounds overnight

This cunt is hot though.

She does and I still don't.

please only use serious expressions of politics and beliefs such as the General Lee


I'm not afraid to hit a woman with glasses.

If you Google "Read Another Book." Harry Potter is the only result. This shit needs to stop.

I'd still converse with her over a tabacki chewing redneck slob from mississippi

I kind of wish some dictator really did start to take over. These sissies just have no clue permissible their ability to talk horse shit is.

Sad thing is she's actually cute. I don't mind uglies protesting.

Guarantee she has a giant awful bush & probably pit hair.

I don't think so. I assumed this was Slacktivism at best. She's not committed, her box is shaved, pits are smooth and perfume is applied. She is doing the dumb glasses and stupid hat as her 'protest look'.

I’d leave a thick coating on those glasses.

Now, I've never read harry potter because I was born male, but I assume harry potter is the one who saves the day in the end?

No. The power of love does.


Calm down, Tywin Lannister

fuck-me eyes

Kill yourself