Correct. You dint count, you domb cont.

1  2019-01-20 by Ant_Sucks



Yeah because that's what T RUMP would sound like. I hate this nigger.

Just this one?

True. Ok I really really hate this one more than others.

Those are some ridiculous deep throat replies to her. “My wife watched it twice at the theaters.” Time to go kill yourself pussyboy.

She probably didn't even enjoy it just wanted to stick it to those evil misogynists!

She doesn't understand movies need to turn a profit. Her shit lost like 70 million.

"Like fuck us. We dint count" - Now you're on the trolley, you bumper-lipped asshole

How is that insulting? You mean insulting like the way Ivan Reitman was contractually barred from any and every piece of your shitty reboot? If they’re not bringing back the original director, why would they bring back your unfunny character from a flopped film?