Luis J Gomez takes down video of Ari calling out Chris Rock and Judd Apatow

1  2019-01-19 by chulathedog

Real ass dude of the week. Comics are faggots.


Louis Gomez is a pedophile enabler and worships Moloch.

remember when he did that faggot fight and nobody thought he was cool

But he trained for months to beat a middle-aged man who got a black belt from a McDojo when he was a kid.

*purple belt from a mcdojo

Remember when he literally sucked a cock

I'm probably one of ten people who even knew who Luis J Gomez is, and his fight was in the city I live in, yet I still didn't go.


/u/ThePRRattlesnake is this true?

Can Reddit automatically change that to thePuertoRicanFaggot?

I already have him flagged on masstagger for using hate Subreddits like /r/opieandanthony and /r/cumtown. I have messaged the admins about him.

Is this a bit?

Not my podcast to take down doggie

Tell that fat faggot the clip is good way to turn people onto his show... and also I love him

Tim's a climber

and a bottom.

Dude stop calling people 'doggie' that is, at best, a problematic term. It's speciesism, plain and simple. We, as a woke sub, won't stand for this. Good day.

That's not even funny

hey doggie as the world's biggest alt-right sub we're not gonna stand for you trying to be woke.

Hey. Fuck you

You oversee everything at Gas digital. You co-own and run the network. Tim Dillon can't make a copyright claim without going to you or Ralph first. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, doggie.

Well, that’s simply untrue. And even if that were true I would never tell anyone that wanted something deleted no. It’s their content. We don’t own it. Every podcaster on GaS Digital owns their own content. If a guest or host wants to delete something that’s up to them. I would never question it.

Then YOU talk it and have Ari on.

What's the real story here luis? You keep implying Tim took it down with out calling him out by name, while dodging responsibility yourself. Who wanted it down and why? Tim, Ari, pressure from Hollywood poofs? There is a rumor Chris Rock read Ari the riot act at the Cellar about his comments. Don't come on here if you just want to pull my prick.

Lol... also not my story to tell. Now let me pull that prick doggie.

Can I see ur ass?

I'll have to take a rain check on that prick pulling, till I get some real ass answers doggie. This is the shit people want to know. Address it on RAP at least.

i like luis, but him meandering around a topic which he doesnt have a firm stance on sounds awful

I don't appreciate you coming here and dodging responsibility for something that had nothing to do with you.

You know damn well Sherrod ran to Rock and ratted Ari out.

poofs? There is a rumor

Writes poofs, but doesn't put a u in rumour. Where you from?

What did he say about rock ?

So ShameON asked to have their content removed, not the management of GAS? You sure about that?

Really my man? I mean Luis is a performer, he may have some ownership of gas, but he's not management. That's like saying Howard Stern can't delete his material without his guests permission. Learn ownership rules brother

Faggotest possible response. Good job.

Remember when Opie nearly kicked your ass.

He got cut down to size by the Opester, he's been a fag for a while now.

The Opester went soft on him, didn't want Gomez to hurt himself after...

Remember when he rammed an 8 inch dildo down his throat on stage?

No, but I remember when he sucked Bob Kelly's cock on stage.

Remember when he literally sucked Bob Kelly's cock?

it was a fake wiener.


Luis takes things down? He should apply to be a mod here.

Only podcasters who used to have fighting skills

/u/ThePRRattlesnake You better explain this quick.

As if he owes you an explanation, who the fuck are you?

His customers.

Yeah that's not how it works.

I get that you want to hate everyone but if Ari asks him to do so what's he supposed to do? Say go fuck yourself to his friend?

Ari is a big boy and made some pretty big accusations. It’s on the internet. You only now look like a weak faggot now that you want it down. Didn’t have all your sources right? Don’t open your rat Jew mouth!

Still, that has fuck all to do with Luis you dumb cunt. Don't go after him for doing what his friend asks. Anyway, what you hauling today?

You must have a pretty small brain to expect integrity from a kike.

Fair enough

Someone got to him and said "you wont end up in any of his awful productions, where you'll inevitably play a beta male that spends the whole movie/show trying to win back a morally and/or intellectually superior female character." It could hurt his career.

This should be the description on every romantic comedy.

it still on the fat pillow biter's channel

U/theprrattlesnake. Hey Luis. I’m a fan. U make me chuckle quite often

U/ThePRRattlesnake Hey Luis. I’m a fan. U have made me chuckle over the years.

Remember when Coked Metzger triggered him so much he tried to fight him and failed miserably and instead just left being all mad?

Anyone got a time stamp? It’s on TDIGTH right? I’ve got downloaded and only heard half...

Only rational response is to spread the video as much as possible

Can Reddit automatically change that to thePuertoRicanFaggot?

Not my podcast to take down doggie