Nana? Is that you?

1  2019-01-19 by SpaceCaseBassFace


I have several more black friends than Mike Mulloy and one of them once referred to him as a "mark ass buster", which is one of the highest insults in their language. Also nice cultural appropriation, stupid.

Next he'll be calling us "sucka MC's."

He's acting like a jive turkey if you ask me

Since were going way about a JAMF (jive ass mutha fucka)

I still struggle with the difference between a trick-ass mark and a mark-ass trick

I want to get in on the trolling now and I don’t even know who this fuck is

You have the dossier, and you have your mission parameters. What are you waiting for.

This place finds targets and flip flops on them so fast it's impossible to keep up with who you're supposed to hate.

True but I don’t think LA comics have ever been highly favored here.

Hitler>Pedophiles>LA comedians>people from LA

Stay off the dick, or suck it from the back....make up your mind, fakemike!

Seriously though, sick burn.

The "less fuckable Malcolm Gladwell" is a perfect description of Sam Roberts. Does he think Sam and Jim are O&A?

Recently, I asked a childhood friend of mine if he remembered Opie & Anthony, and he replied "isn't Opie & Jim now?".

I hope these homophobic bodyshaming tweets have been reported.

Clinging to relevancy? This guy is doing $10 BYOB shows. Imagine a comic performing at an event where one of the main revenue drivers is eliminated.

Is this cuck talking shit about my BROTHER?

Not only that, Joe, he stole one of your brother's signature burns. YOU GONNA TAKE DAT?!!?

Did this fucking awful comic wannabe spoiled white boy sissy just call somebody a mark? What a douche lmao. fuck him and his backwards hat wearing no good joke writing ass who relies on attaching himself to anybody who is more famous than him (and that's literally anyone) because he cant make a name for himself. Welcome to obscurity, baby boy

Not to mention he's completely misusing the term. Faggot went to Bridgewater state (shit state school in the Mass suburbs), which means he's very likely from Mass/the east coast and is desperate to get in good with the faggot PC LA crowd. Oddly enough, he sounds like a mark calling people who aren't marks marks.

Exactly. Fucking Massachusetts white boy who listens to 6ix9ine and goes on worldstar hip hop thinking hes hard. Mezza finook

Is this fag trying to hone in on a “I’m a Boston comic” vibe in L.A.

I actually think it's just the opposite. He probably tried to make it in the Boston scene but just wasn't very funny, so he fled to LA where people are more accepting of blatant pandering, PC bullshit, and clapter bait Drumpft material. He's just trying to ride a wave and distract people from the fact that his material just isn't up to snuff.

Exactly. That's why he produced a show at Nerdmelt, which was ground zero for that bullshit. It's also why it closed, because nothing funny happened there and it existed solely for the PC and "woke" crowds/comics to provide clapter and pat each other on the back for being so clever/culturally superior.

AND hes from Boston so that makes him a Marky Mark Mark.

Bridgewater state is a school for the mentally retarded. You only have to get C's in high school to get in. I had the option to go there and declined and I'm probably more financially stable than anyone who went there despite having no degree to speak of. It's a white nigger school.

He uses yo a lot as well. Sounds like cultural appropriation to me. Also is he using sucking dick as an insult? Because that sounds like he thinks its the most degrading and disgusting thing in the world. Sounds homophobic to me.

I think it's because hes more than likely a wrestling fan. Those mongs say that a lot.

Yes it's got to be the wrestling insider fag definition, and not the menace to society version

Last time I heard someone get called a 'mark' was the mid 90's. He really is a skater fag time traveler.


Sick burn, bro. He must be raking in the cash as an open mic'r.

Ooh a tough guy tweet, they always go down well.

and nice altar, stupid.

And unlike Louie, Mike didn't even ask for consent!


"Stay off my dick"? Ok Ice Cube, circa 1990.

Ya'll better put respect on the homies set or we be throw-in hands.

Absolute wigger faggot.

I resent this notion that we worship anyone related to the O&A show and pray to the "alter" (sic) of that mulatto mongoloid Sam. The only reason I'm is here is I still have all of this useless information related to the show in my head and this is the only outlet where my disgust with that fact can be expressed.

Nobody has an ounce of originality anymore.

Woke white allies will be the first against the wall regardless of who eventually takes over.

This fruit likes men suckin his dick,Oh my.

Our cover is blown. Abort!

Mike thinks he's gonna #StarveNana

What's a mark? I'm Canadian.

It's ghetto slang that hasn't been used since the year Boyz N the Hood came out, for some reason being used by a scrawny white dork trying to sound cool online.

Stay off my dick? Sounds like sexual harrasment to me. Report

He's using wrestler insults as a regular person. He needs to go.
