Imagine having the money to buy a really nice house, but instead you buy a McMansion. Then you name your McMansion after the Corleone Compound, a beautiful rustic style mansion. Imagine being that much of a white trash guinea.

1  2019-01-19 by graemelloydforever


That projector has seen a lot of child pornography.

Nice projection, stupid.

I'm pretty that particular seat his is in had the teen girl asleep with her panties pushed to the side, and photographed for the world to see. I mean this guy's a real jerk.

“You’re a real jerk, ya know that? You wasted 8 fucking aprons on that guy! I gotta toughen this kid up!”

Italians are niggers

Wtf happened to and with Nana? Here he looks like a scrawny kid in clothes too big for him. 10 years later he looks like a Liberty Bell for a gut having nigga.

His dad used to piss in his face for sexual reasons and it made him perpetually a boy.

Peter Pansexual

And chungulina

What happened was a decade of alcohol abuse.

Here i was always under the assumption it was named after Hitler’s Compound.

Wolf's Lair, I doubt that he knows that.

He doesn't even know what a compound is. It's like calling a peashooter an arsenal.. He may be a tad quicker than his brother but that doesn't make him educated. Just like posing with prefab fluted columns from Home Depot doesn't make him Lord Tony. He's a joke and doesn't even realize it.

The house and pool cover virtually the entire plat.

Hitler and the Don shared a fence with their jew neighbors

"Yeah, and I want seating for 12 leeches."

"Well, we'll call it 8, mrs. landcow will cover the back row"

Having seating in your home that isn't set up for conversation is stupid.

It’s a fuckin theatre, stupid.

Who wants a fuckin theatre in their house? If I have a group of people over I don't want to sit silently facing the same direction for 2 hours. This is strictly shit rich creeps do to dazzle the kids they're trying to molest.

I have one, but it is only for me. Cause fuck going to the movies.

I used to have a dedicated home theater. It was a complete waste of money. It feels weird to be sitting in your basement all alone watching a movie, when a living room feels so much more 'homey.' And nobody wants to come over and watch movies in your basement theater, it's just ostentatious.

Anthony Cumia has a dedicated home theater, but he spends most of his time playing videogames on the living room table, because that's where people want to live : the living room.

LMFAO that idiot thinks this is like his living room where guests all sit facing one direction.

The only reason he posts pictures like this is to brag. It’s funny that nobody would ever want to be him.

this is the HOME theatre ! baby boy, now shut up, sgt barnes is coming up

"white" trash

He looks like a gardener that's on his lunch break.

"When the boss is away, the cholos will play!"

That's what's called fuck-you money

And I pay $20/month to watch every new movie in IMAX/Dolby. Enjoy your shitty home theatre, Nana!

It has a DVD carousel and a DLP video projector. It's state of the art.

Who cares?

The way he dresses actually pisses me off

Trashy Super Mario

Yeah, but his brother, with some undiagnosed metal disorder on the spectrum, calls his house Compound East. Just keep that in mind.

Imagine being excited to go to his "theatre" only to get there and realize that it's all SD and you could be at home watching a better image on your much smaller HD TV.

Nobody wants to watch SD anything anymore. Once you get used to the HD there's no going back.

I wonder how much he actually uses the theatre anymore? His computer monitor is much better than that projector and screen.

You do know there are 4K high definition theaters and projectors right......? Like you could probably afford one yourself...

Well Nana is broke.

It's a DLP video projector. State of the fucking art.

A home theater would be kind of cool to have. However i would much rather have a luxury apartment in the center of anywhere that matters and just go to an expensive theater with nice seating.

Cheap on the snacks though, sawdust pretzel sticks in a giant barrel.

You guys try to trash him by pointing this out but it’s starting to morph into an angry jealousy.

What exactly are we jealous of? The pedophile tendencies, or the chronic alcoholism? Maybe it’s the homosexuality? Just asking. Sure, I guess I’m jealous of the money he has, but nothing about his lifestyle seems that appealing.


His movie taste is mine from 8th grade

He doesn't even know what a compound is. It's like calling a peashooter an arsenal.. He may be a tad quicker than his brother but that doesn't make him educated. Just like posing with prefab fluted columns from Home Depot doesn't make him Lord Tony. He's a joke and doesn't even realize it.

"Well, we'll call it 8, mrs. landcow will cover the back row"