Brother Joe compliments SOA's season 4 finale

1  2019-01-19 by dropngo


Sons of anarchy was shit

I've watched maybe 3 episodes and I dont understand what people saw in this show. The writing was hack and the characters were cliche stereotypes.

it was "fun" to watch the first two seasons when drunk but it was essentially a soap opera for badass dudes like joe

it's probably aged like fucking shit

The worst thing this show did was have the protagonists team up with the black and hispanic gangs to take on neo-nazis.

If there is one thing that rival gangs are known for it's collaborating with each other to defeat hate

Yeah, and did you also know that 13% of the population commits 52% of violent crimes?

Yes I have listened to O and A post 2008 election

It's actual 6 percent. You're including females

It’s like a Chinese knock off of Breaking Bad, of course Joe likes it.

Its hilarious. Jax is jewish, pro trans, and anti-racist. He is a criminal killer biker, though. So believable.

That’s why sopranos was so amazing. Tony was racist as fuck as I’m sure most guys connected in Jersey are.

Didn’t Jax wearing like baggy wigger clothes too? I’ve never seen any 1%ers rockin that goofy shit

“Baggy wigger clothes.” Yep, Jax was always much more Pig Gay Oinkerson than he ever was Sonny Barger.

We live in a world today where the sopranos wouldn’t even get made because of not wanting to deal with the outrage brigade. Or Tony would end up sitting down with his daughters black boyfriend and come away with a new woke understanding of racial relations and encourage the strippers dancing at the Bing to go back to hairdresser school

When they went to Ireland it became very gay. Before that it was alright.

I agree. Wasn’t that only season 2 though? On a side note, I thought it was pretty cool when they shot that kid at the funeral

I don't remember but when they went to the Jax almost banging his Irish sister I checked the fuck out.

That's when I checked in.

People are faggots about it but breaking bad was a genuinely well written and good show. Comparing a gay biker soap opera like so a to it is a fucking insult.

It was written so well that their filler episode won some sort of best award

I wouldn't go that far. It was entertaining, but the writing was kinda ham fisted. The last two seasons were a slog.

Nah. It was a really great show. Thinking it's overrated is for tryhard hipsters.

It was great up until the part where Walt runs over the drugs dealers. Everything after that was drawn out and shitty. MAGNETS!!!

Is this Anthony’s brother? Joe???

Imagine everything that Joe missed while watching Breaking Bad.

He thinks the plot turned with gus' death even though the show was building towards it forever. It was the natural conclusion. Joe is a retard.

that shot of him was fucking terrible though, were half his face is blown off but he still fixes his tie? fucking silly at that point

Have you ever seen a person at near death? The human body is wacky man. People do completely normal, banal things in their last seconds.

I met the dude that pulled me out of a car wreck on an off chance while doing some coke, so I heard the story at least 5 times that night. I had to be airlifted to a major hospital and almost didn't make it. Even the cop that responded thought I was dead, he came to my parents house and told them they better see me quick.

Anyway, the guy that pulled me out said I came to, he helped me stand up, and when he knocked on someones door to call 911 I just walked into their house while bleeding out from every orifice on my face. They got me out and I passed out again.

Yeah like in that funky town video (spare yourself if you haven't seen it)

It's honestly pretty tame for people that have watched a lot of gore. If the flaying happened on camera then you might have something to talk about.

During the final death scene Joe realized that Walter White is the dad from Malcolm in the Middle.

Joe thought the point of Breaking Bad was that 'Walter White is cool'

Only the dumbest people like TV series of any sort enough to actually talk about them.

SOA was trash and Breaking Bad was overhyped

Truth. Breaking Bad was so over hyped when I finally got around to watching it I was expecting something great, but got pretty bored pretty fast.

Didn't even watch past season 3.

The people who find it entertaining clearly have never actually done drugs before.

The CIA twist was the lamest cop-out hack bullshit I had probably ever seen from a tv show trying to pass itself off as a serious cable drama. Of course Joe thought it was brillant.

Yes. This was when even the most ardent fans had to admit the writing was shit.

Was that when Danny Trejo was like hey I'm not a Mexican banger I'm really cia?

Yep. Even pulled out a shiny CIA badge too. Kurt Sutter is a hack.


He definitely came while writing that.

LOL it figures the flabby old goober would be impressed by SOA's retarded kindergarten twists, as the show was designed to impress witless slobs, rubes and hayseeds like Joe.

Arms spread like jesus while the truck driver yells jesus and blood and bread like the body of jesus. These fucking penises really thought he was christ reincarnate. Fucking barf

The truck driver is Vic Mackey. Deep bro!

lmfao these comments

I can understand some people getting sucked in to that fucking awful show at the beginning but to sit there writing that comment after the fact? hopeless

He died the exact same way his father did. That's what makes it deep.

Also, try watching this with a girl sitting next to you who's crying like her mother died, without cracking a smirk. I was into the show myself at the time, but come on.

Girls are faggots.

The last half of the series was awful, but goddamn the last season was just excruciating. Every episode was just waiting for Gemma to get her comeuppance, teasing it on and on because they knew that was the only real card left to play. Compare that to BB, where the second half of season 5 (which came out a year after the first part) jumped right into Hank vs Walter, no pulling any punches. Anything after season 2 of SoA is a waste of life.

Few shows delivered the unintentional laughs like SOA did. I was already chuckling when the one cop car was struggling to stay on the road during the 20mph chase but when the second crow came flying out I totally lost it. It got even funnier from there.

And NO show had worse music. It was always unfailingly terrible, especially when Sutter let his wife sing.

glad dropngo is on counter point with RBuddCumia to serve up the requisite 59 BroJoe threads/day on the OnA sub

Why the fuck would the CIA care about a biker gang? SOA was TV for mouthbreather leather boyz

No Joe. It was shit writing.

Kurt Sutter is weirdo. Wrote scenes where his character’s wife cheats on him and then gets killed. Then he had his character raped.

He also writes for his real life wife Kate Segal to fuck random men and to get beaten and raped.

Jesus Christ he really is the dumbest motherfucker of all time. The season 4 finale was utter dogshit. There were 3 plot lines built up throughout that season.

*Jax and Opie want to kill Clay *The RICO case against the club *Jax and wife want to leave the club

And do you know how many of those stories the hack writer's paid off in the finale? None of them. They hit the reset button on all of them. Jax can't kill Clay because the Irish will only deal with Clay. And now Jax can't leave the club because Clay is still around and will ruin it. And then the Cartel are revealed to be CIA and step in to kill the RICO case. All of the plotlines of the season all washed away in a single episode. It was terrible writing and the show never recovered. It was all dogshit from then til the end.

So of course this fucking retard loved it. Also he's such a big SOA fan he's watching season 4 3-4 years after it aired. Faggot.

that shot of him was fucking terrible though, were half his face is blown off but he still fixes his tie? fucking silly at that point

The truck driver is Vic Mackey. Deep bro!

lmfao these comments

I can understand some people getting sucked in to that fucking awful show at the beginning but to sit there writing that comment after the fact? hopeless

He died the exact same way his father did. That's what makes it deep.

Also, try watching this with a girl sitting next to you who's crying like her mother died, without cracking a smirk. I was into the show myself at the time, but come on.

Girls are faggots.