I hope everyone who calls himself "social media influencer" ends up like this

1  2019-01-19 by MrSztywny


The old quan-dive

Quanspiracy, it was a murder suicide.

My first thought is that is was a Quan-type situation except the ladies know better now. So she managed to take him with her.

Nice balance. Stupid.



I heard that in Nortons voice instead of Patrices ; which means it must be hackmeat.

I imagine the pink bitch fell backwards and pulled that bengali e-rock over the edge with her


I feel sorry for the bobcat that is now addicted to cumin.

Fucking underrated comment right here

That's the line. That's the line.

I'm retarded. Can someone explain?

your mom drank while she was preggo

Why you're retarded? No.

The guy looks Indian. Indians love cumin and put it in all their food. Bobcat eat street shitter. Bobcat now cumin addict.

Or Tumeric. Am I right?

**Guy who responds twice to the same comment

Nice bit, stupid.

Your other comment? Didn't saw it. Genuinely. Hear it's good though.

I would tell you if it wasn’t....

Didn’t saw it.

Jesus Christ.

They had alcohol in their bloodstream? Oh man, those scccccuuummmbags really motherfucked me, don't they know I'm a recovering alcoholic?

Best laugh of the week. Thanks!

safety first always remember to pull over ur truck before laughing


Drunk my ass, they were shitting off the cliff like animals they are.


Indians are such fucking retards. They're constantly getting drunk here and they go swimming in our beaches and die/waste our resources saving them.

Yes it’s so retarded of them to be earning the highest incomes of any ethnic group

You seem butthurt, street shitter.

The truth seems to be more important to me than to you

I can smell you from here.

I’m pretty sure I saw your father get laid off in this South Park documentary


You seriously posted a south park clip in response to my comment? One of the most cliche clips at that? Unsubscribe to this sub and take a fucking shower.

If anything the clip is under posted. I don’t think I’ve come across a single better representation of modern day America

I’m glad it takes no effort to prove how unfunny Indians are

Oof. Unfunny AND Indian.

South Park unfunny? I can imagine a subscriber to Anthony cumias network having different opinions on that topic to me

Why do you even bother to engage? They want you to feel bad because of your ethnicity, you can't change their beliefs by arguing not should you try. Just enjoy the sub for what you can and ignore what you can't.

Catch a load of this homosexual

Take your poo to the loo, stupid.

My ancestors invented indoor plumbing

Then why don't you use it?

The country is heterogeneous. It would be like me asking why do you get addicted to drugs and suck dick for crack

Let’s go down that route. Those two things are really really fun. Street-shitters shit on the street because they’re lazy and fucking filthy.

What a terrible analogy for your shitty heritage.


Yeah well you had to didn't you?


Yeah out of over a billion disgusting rats a few high performers come over here and do OK. Congratulations. You should be proud.

Sweeping generalisations don’t make sense when a population is stratified. It would be like me saying of all the white opioid addicts and trailer parkers in the United States some west coasters become tech entrepreneurs

Sure but your point about heterogeneity is well made. You're a stratified people. Great part about European populations is that our breeding habits meant a more general distribution of positive traits. It's part of what makes us great and it's the reason we created the types of societies where some of your high performers could come and flourish in. Nigerians high performers come to America and do nearly as well. It's nothing to be proud of. Your high performers are just slightly better than Negro high performers. Congratulations.

Those high performers are higher up the totem pole by a wide margin than this subreddits motley Crüe of self described pan era bread employees and truck drivers which makes their puerile jeering and racism epithets look pathetic

It's part of what makes us great and it's the reason we created the types of societies

You didn't create shit, what's this "we" shit?

You’re talking about how sweeping generalizations don’t make sense with a stratified population yet you post that South Park clip and how it’s a great representation of America. How ironic and quaint.

Your country is literally only known for butter chicken and shitting in the street. Your people have such little regard for hygiene and human decency that they need to be reminded by their government, the WHO, and the UN to not shit in the street openly.

I’ll just post this here for anyone else around that wants some serious lulz.



If you want to ignore your own problems and make yourself feel better by pointing at those of others I’m not going to stop you. I just think South Park did a good job at parodying the one note whining of people like you

I never said shit about jobs. Jobs are better than ever right now. I don’t give a fuck and you won’t see me bitching about it.

Face it dog, in the modern world, India doesn’t contribute a fucking thing except fuel for internet memes about how your people just can’t help put pull their assholes out in front of women and kids and shit wherever they feel like it. My fucking dog has more regard for its poop than your people. It’s hilarious.

The opioid epidemic and rising suicide rates among whites like yourself are directly tied to loss of low skilled jobs


Two points. Firstly, neither myself nor my friends or family are addicted to opioids. Don’t give a fuck. Secondly, you’re assuming I’m white which, if your mother could have stopped cleaning the shit from out between her toes for long enough she could have taught you, is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do on the internet.

Weeb + this much anger = you’re white imo. Probably will be prescribed opioids as well at some point in response to above sentence

I haven’t displayed any anger. In fact, I’ve only displayed levity toward the shitty, shit covered state of India.

The biggest weebs I know are black, bruh. You just keep missing and thats also hilarious. Indians just aren’t funny. The accused rapist Aziz Ansari is kind of funny. Russel Peters is also kind of funny but only to other street shitters. You really should stick to serving palak paneer and tech support.

Not really people resort to swearing as a way to diffuse the irritable state of anger they’re in. Besides blacks can’t be weebs because they’re not as cringe about it as you (won’t find them with pillows for example). Aziz is shit though along with most other Indians. In the humour department it’s more the Jews and blacks who have it rather than whites so it’s not a huge concession

Cool. Type in black klansman next to convince me that kkk is a movement of blacks

I never made that assertion about black klansmen. You said you won’t find blacks with body pillows. I provided blacks with body pillows. See how this works?

I apologise to you for thinking you were intelligent enough to realise that generally true statements are not disproved by a singular counter example. I hope to not make this mistake again

Are you implying there are anywhere close to as many black klansmen as their are black weeaboos? There are legions if black weebs and as far as I can tell maybe one black klansman and he’s famous for it. Fucking dipshit. I expect nothing less from a street shitter such as yourself.

These are the people who ride on the front of a train and see no problem

Troy Quan did it better.

They fell in love.

sniff There it is, it was on the tip of my tongue.

I get it, because they "fell" HAHAHA HOLY SHIT!!

THAT'S the line!

Slamatmah Gandhi

It really makes me sad reading this. I'd rather see footage.

i want audio of their falling screams so i can jerk off to it

Anyone with pink hair deserves to fall off a cliff.

But without pink hair, how will you know how unique she is?

Doodle-like tattoos randomly all over her body, of course.

I imagine the camera guy panicking for the first hour whenever they'd wobble over to a cliff and lean over to say something pointlessly stupid to "nature". Then after he got tired of trying to convince them to take a step back from the ledge and them being combative he said "Fuck it" and let nature take its course.

I love stories like this.

Haha social media influencers.. more like splattered faggits

At least half the people walking around National Parks are fucked up on something, typically booze or psychedelics. It's amazing more people don't die like this.

Maybe they are responsible adults who don't have a dozen shots and stand an inch away from a lethal cliff edge.

Camping is for escaping normie faggotry, and these jerk offs have to bring it with them. Glad they died.

Finally a feel-good story in the news. If only this cliff drew in more "social media influencers".


What kind of fucking moron falls off a cliff?

It's annoying that "drunk" and "selfie" are bold and all letters capitalized.

Yes but what happened to the zipcar?

Hahah rookies- Troy Quan

Sounds like alcohol was the real influencer here AMIRITE BOYS

Hahaha they're dead

how can anyone "influence social media" while being that ugly

80/20 rule. 80% who view people like that privately loathe them and sincerely cheer their your death.

And 20% are literally retarded faggots

They weren't drunk, they were confused there wasn't a street to shit in.

Yosemite's dangerous as fuck. Been there twice. One one of the most easily accessible trails (the mist trail) is also one of the most dangerous. It's a narrow, winding path of granite carved into steps that is constantly soaked from the watercall at the end. It fills up with busloads of fucking asian tourists and they all want selfies every 20ft so it's start, stop, start, stop. The more of these dumbfucks that fall, the better. Social media influencers should all get the ol' Troy Quan.

I have been near blackout hammered on mountains and rivers all over the rockies, gang. This is very hard to do unless you're trying.

Drunk suicide pact, best way to increase your IG followship

At least they died doing what they love!

You know one of them fell, and instead of taking the hit, grabbed the other for the ride.

IDK, I doubt someone with the profession of "Instagram Blogger" would be anything other than virtuous.

What a waste. Imagine how many views the one that lived would have gotten.

The say in the forest below on crisp autumn nights you can hear the tapping of fake fingernails on a cell phone typing tweets to no one and in the distance see a bloody face lit only by the glow of the screen

So how did your daughter die?

Imagine being a parent, rasing her from birth, feeding and going through the "rough" years and thinking you can finally be at peace.

Then this dumb bitch gets hammered and decides to go rock climbing. For fuck sake

Yea I would have expected it after the little retard dyed her hair pink

the best part is the lady wearing a Reese Witherspoon from Wild costume, a brave female character that was a filthy whore and addicted to heroin

Troy Hinson: Sup?

If you want to ignore your own problems and make yourself feel better by pointing at those of others I’m not going to stop you. I just think South Park did a good job at parodying the one note whining of people like you


Catch a load of this homosexual