Expect Joe to tweet about this in a matter of hours

1  2019-01-19 by crookedmile


And shoutout to the dude in the Suffocation hoodie. Pierced From Within is one of the best death metal records of all-time

He's the first black Suffocation fan who isn't in the band I've ever seen.

When it started, death metal was big with black punks.

None of my school friends who were into the metal/hardcore crossover stuff, which early death metal was then considered to be, were white. Shows were like prison gang summits (but the Aryan gang had long hair).

Then death metal became dweeby musician music—starting with Deicide's Legion, I think—and the black guys disappeared.

This guy is just happy to have his viral Kanye west moment

Black people are such natural entertainers it’s unbelievable.

neil brennan is very accurate with his theory the average black guy at a bus stop is funnier than 99% of white open micers

I hate to agree with Neal Brennan on anything, but I buy that one.

The only he's gonna see this is if they mistake brother Joe for a Baptist preacher.

This dude is such a try hard