Unpopular opinion: Mark Normand is underrated

1  2019-01-19 by Mcchisell

I've never watched his standup but he usually makes me laugh at least once on his show/podcast appearances which is more than the vast majority of comedians do.


He has a funny Caitlin Jenner joke and seems like a nice autistic guy.

He does have the tone and demeanor of a special needs kid

Yeah, I like him.


I like him and Soder.

As far as O&A remnants I have Normand in tier 1 with Colin, Rich and Blobby. Soder in tier 2. He'd be tier 1 if he wasn't so afraid of failure that he has to force a million voices in every single appearance he ever does anywhere.

Can't really count Burr anymore, much more than you can count Louie And you can count Louie about as much as you can count Patrice.

I can't think of anyone else to be with Soder in tier 2. I think it's just him.

Dude what the fuck are you talking about?

It appears that he is having a stroke.

Take your meds this morning, bud. Wash it down with grape or apple juice so that the meds get in your veins faster. You seem to be in quite a bit of distress.

Wow you're dumb as shit then. Sucks to be you.

I'd like Soder if he didn't scream some stupid shit every five minutes and do his dumb laugh.

I don’t care for his stand up but he’s funny off the cuff. He’d make fun of Opie to his face and also names names when he talks shit. I’m a fan

He said the exact law firm that this lady he was banging worked at and they had to censor it in the replay. Definitely in my top Opie with Jim show moments.

Joe List too

And Nick Mullen's character: Cruisin Joe List

I like Mark Normand.


Like 97% of today's comics, I enjoy him on podcasts but hate trudging through his stand up.

I prefer his milktoast stand up over his fake stories tbh.

Nice spelling, stupid.

LoL, no, he's just dipping a little toast into some milk, nobody likes soggy toast so you can imagine how that phrase came around right?

(I just looked up the origin, young word really, 1923)


From the character Caspar Milquetoast of the comic strip The Timid Soul, created by Harold Webster and first published in 1924 (named after the American dish milk toast).


He's OK

overrated actually. he sucks


You were just looking for as excuse to use gay ass reddit editing

I don't need an excuse for anything gay.

He would do anything Amy says. Like eat her pussy(which he did).

He used to suck, but somewhere along the line he seemed to stop caring and actually became funny. Don't know about his stand up though.

Username checks out

Mark is a rare breed, legit funny on stage and just as funny off the cuff/shooting the shit. Plus he's one of the few New Yorkers I know of that's still having fun doing stand up and not constantly bitching about everything. His ability to party insanely hard and still do his job effectively is almost incomprehensible. I don't know how he does it.

He fucked the AT&T girl so he's good in my book.


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I pretty much just like to listen to comics tell stories. Kinda like a ginned up Garrison Keillor. Sadly lake Wobegon has been run over by nigger Somali Muslims.

Ahhh mmmhmmm yes!! Haha ok alriiiiight yep. Mmmhmmm.

Ya he's not the worst to be fair

I can't get past his voice or live stuff. Having said that, I think the fella is funny and certainly had his good moments. He even seem conflicted when defending Amy; even though he had to, he seemed like he was almost about to logically concede that she's a thief. I just can't get into his standup, but I dont have a problem with Mark, and I liked him ever since he called out Opie. It's like Black coat,

Black shoes,

Black hat,


Yeah...the boy's a tiiiime boooooooomb.

Shut the fuck up

he’s told some fake stories and he’s one of amy schumer’s lieutenants, he’s got stds, and he puts on that voice to imitate norm mcdonald. amyschumerpresents mark norman(d) is just ok, not hatable and not great. the best part about him is that he was doing all those opie appearances for free, while the brotherman was paying sherrod, vic, and carl $700 (deservingly so)

He seems alright now.

When I first heard him on podcasts he was opening for Amy Schumer and he would just talk about how many girls he was fucking. He wasn't even trying to be funny, it was like he was trying to impress the Legion of Skanks, and say I'm not a faggot just because Amy is my boss.

He's quite funny and apparently fearless or still naive.

Saw his standup and it was good from beginning to end.

Yup. Normand, Mullen, and Soder are carrying a torch. I like Theo Von too. Oh and Metzger is still my dude even though he’s an insane person



Saw him live, he did a great pedophile joke. Good egg.

his stand up is pretty good , i think he has a lot of potential

No, he’s perfectly rated.


As far as O&A remnants I have Normand in tier 1 with Colin, Rich and Blobby. Soder in tier 2. He'd be tier 1 if he wasn't so afraid of failure that he has to force a million voices in every single appearance he ever does anywhere.

Can't really count Burr anymore, much more than you can count Louie And you can count Louie about as much as you can count Patrice.

I can't think of anyone else to be with Soder in tier 2. I think it's just him.

He said the exact law firm that this lady he was banging worked at and they had to censor it in the replay. Definitely in my top Opie with Jim show moments.

I'd like Soder if he didn't scream some stupid shit every five minutes and do his dumb laugh.