He can’t even get a real Fender amp...

1  2019-01-18 by RBuddCumia


Hugh Bond LoL

THE Hugh Bond?!?!


Damn you China! Fooled again!

Travels one state away and thinks he’s fucking Christopher Columbus

It's not even pertinent information to the sale

Yes it detracts from the transaction and the money exchanging hands. That’s what we really want to read more about.

They're real, but they're hundred-dollar amplifiers so shitty that not even noise-punk bands who are trying to sound shitty can use them. And he's bragging about the trials and travails he goes through to hunt them down.

His pride in getting shit deals on shit gear is baffling.

My friend had one in high school and I remember thinking "Hmm, maybe it's just the basement acoustics making it sound bad." then I heard it another room and it still sounded hideous at any volume above 1.

Every thread about this idiot has the word 'baffling' somewhere in it. The wealth of ignorance he has is breath taking.

What the fuck is that thing?

Opie...Fat Opie

Nice solid state Princeton, stupid.


Would usually go for a Twin Reverb but if Hugh Bond says so....

I love fender amps but that one sounds like a tin box

I mean it is a real Fender amp isn't it? A shitty solid state one, sure, bur real regardless.

Holy shit why does he think people care?

My, my. What rare and sought after amps joe. Fucking dolt has been a musician his whole life and basically has an unlimited studio budget but all his rare discontinued gear is just average guitar center shit from 20 years ago. He's the second faggot bass player ive seen bragging about these 100$ amps, but the first one was 16 years old and it was 1999.

Nice lava lamp in the background, shitdick.