‘I Like to Jerk Off, and I Don’t Like Being Alone’

1  2019-01-18 by JimNortonsSobriety


Wait til the media learns that his first victim was Bonnie's sister

Bonnie is just jealous that he didn't do it in front of her.

Getting mentioned in that NY Times article would have been the biggest press she's ever gotten.

It says 'without their consent' even though that is blatantly incorrect. Fucking scummmmmmmmmmbags!!!

They're tryin to mother fuck him again.

"published accounts of five women who said he had masturbated in front of them without their consent."

Not even gonna make a joke here. That's just a blatant fucking lie. I'm so sick of this shit. Journalism used to mean something. Now they're all basically Twitter accounts where faggots tell stories that fit their narrative.

Read an article today that said he "admitted" to forcing woman to watch him jerk off without their consent and linked to his apology as proof... His apology where he stresses he always asked for and was granted permission. People used to get humiliated and fired for shit like that. Now it's encouraged.

I hope he sues. Records and sells his special on his site to refill his coffers, and then just sues one website after another.

This would be the fucking move, America still loves the guy. And I’d buy his special just to say fuck you to the media whores.

Its just that the internet gives us far too much so-called “news.” As long as there were newspapers there was sensationalism, but instead of looking at the paper once in the morning and then going about our day we just scroll through it for hours. The internet ruined everything

1 of those women was on the fucking phone yet it’s still included

Journalism has never been honest.

Yes it was. Maybe you're just too young but journalists used to need sources.

There was a 15 year period where journalism was not biased and that was it, literally the entire history of journalism and newspapers before that was shit that any tycoon or politician could buy to print whatever they want. Same throughout recorded history.

I guess it depends on the papers you read.

No, what I said is an inarguable fact, each and every newspaper on the 20th century had a bias with the exception of a small window and historically all newspapers and news sources could be easily bought and manipulated especially the smaller ones. If they weren't biased within the nation they were certainly biased internationally during times of war, often times with these biases being forced by the government.

No it isn't. Journalism did have integrity at one point.

It was completely unaccepted to post blatant lies. The growth of the internet and randomness of authors is why this has spread so much.

Most mistruths do not fall under lies and bias is not exclusively defined by lies. If your argument is newspapers never lied you are 100% objectively wrong, but we aren't even talking about total lies here. Often that would fall under an error in reporting as well, journalism and reporting are distinct.

I think you're mistaking political bias for lies. And I'll agree with you that papers have told lies when it came to politics.

Consent can be retracted at any time, bigot. even 20 years later in fact.

is that shane gillis

Two birds, one relieved comedian

I hope he pops in at the Comedy Store this weekend, but someone told me last night they might not let him in and they even took all his fuckin pictures down. I hope that's not true, and that certainly would surprise me because Comedy Store lets practically anything fly in there.

Hollywood is ground zero for SJW feminist kikery. NYC sucks too but he’s more likely to get onstage without blowback

It's LA. Enough said.

There’s no way that shit would fly if mitzi was around

I know 😒

Well Adam Eget and Pauly Shore are there to save the day.

People with tickets for the comedy show were required to put their phones in sealed closed cases that could only be unlocked in the lobby, to discourage photographs and recordings.

Ayyyee now you're thinking, Louie!

Might be tougher to do in a comedy club where security is able to be more attentive, but as long as you’ve got a little time those cases are easy to get open.

Couldn't you just say you don't own a phone or bring 2?

God what faggots. Hope Louie comes to my city so I can give that Spic Jew my cold hard Panera wages

Weren't they whining about a month ago on how he doesn't address in his act and now they he did they are still whining about it.

He's supposed to grovel. They're mainly pissed he poked fun at those little faggot kids

Anyone feminists detest is a good person deep down.

Been waiting for him to say something like this for about a year. Welcome back, Louie


Stopped reading there

Ann Horner, 62, was the first protester to show up. “Keep it in your pants,” her sign said.

A young man named Shane, who passed by on his way inside, asked Horner what C.K.’s harassment had to do with his standup.

“Do you think it’s funny when people jerk off in front of women?” she asked him.

“No, I think his standup is funny,” he said. “Who do you think is funny?” he asked her.

“Hannah Gadsby” she said. “Do you know who that is?”

“Yes, she’s the one with the least funny special on Netflix,” he said.

" Instead,  C.K. doubled down on jokes about “retarded” kids " Attaboy Lou!

Yes it was. Maybe you're just too young but journalists used to need sources.