Why I left r/opieandanthony

1  2019-01-18 by glibre

Extremely gay lame ass Mel Gibson worship.


The only reason I'd leave this place is if we didn't worship God enough. Also, you're a homosexual.

I’ve already forgotten you exist

The Joe Cumia fixation annoys me but I just ignore those posts. Sometimes it means I go hours without clicking on anything.

You sir, have no taste.

His retardation is the only thing keeping this place going.

I can deal without the cocks, i still giggle at most things. Who are you again and why should i care?

But here you are posting about why you left?

Ok , I probably should've worded it differently. The point is this sub's adoration for Mel Gibson makes me sick

We found a Jew, guys.

I’m here just for the racism, homophobia and all around hatred of people who are different from me. Makes me sleep well at night.

I think announcing your leaving a subreddit and not realising you aren't even noticed is gayer and more lame than anything anyone else here can say or do.

The fucks wrong with people thinking others will care they aren't reading a subreddit anymore?

It's sorta a parody title, something like "Why I left scientology " and shit. I am not actually leaving, stupid.

Well if u have a problem with Mel, I think u should leave mister.

Nice parody, stupid.

You really suck


So, I'm guessing you're not gonna blow him?

But you're cool with the Opie dick washing?

Then leave already queer. Nobody cares. stupid.

OP is a faggot.

Hey everyone! Look over here, we got a faggot, point and laugh at the fucking quay.

Thanks for letting us know you heeb cuckold

I wish TS Eliot had a O and A connection because he’s like a less chad version of Mel.

Disliked Jews as well. Boy did O&A end with a whimper and not a bang.

Mel Gibson is a great actor and Director. There is no reason not to like him.

If I had to nitpick I'd say he was too soft on that Russian broad.

You don't deserve Saint Mel's blessings.

It is pretty gay and lame. I mean, yes, we are hearing the word of Mel? But are we living it? That is TRUE worship. And only the most faithful will get the blowjobs before the Final Hot Tub, as Mel tells us we deserve.

This sub might be as gay as you think it is but outside of it is worse.

Back to obscurity with you.

It's sorta a parody title, something like "Why I left scientology " and shit. I am not actually leaving, stupid.