At 22:15 Bill Burr explains his new philosophy of 'doing everything his wife asks him to do'

1  2019-01-18 by AlexandertheDecent


“All my guy friends say you have the coolest wife ever”. Wow I knew all that MGTOW stuff Bill and Patrice always talked was BS but how do you do a 180 like that.

I don’t think he did a 180. He’s probably always been a bit of a phony, just like Norton and O&A. The fake tough guy, tell it like it is caricature types that dominated that scene when O&A was actually funny. Someone like Patrice, a truly honest guy, is a rarity.

I can’t believe they’re all such massive pussies. Patrice really was special

And I used to like Bill because I thought he was authentic.

He sold his soul to the hollywood devil for money and a career. He's kissing ass now, grateful for that stupid cartoon they gave him. I miss the old bill.

"I didn't ask about your day because your life doesn't interest me"



"Team Coco" is one of the gayest things I've ever heard. What kind of fag brands himself like that?

It was actually something Tom Hanks coined. And Conan ran with it.

I used to watch Conan all the time. But I can’t enjoy it anymore. Like most shows now. Let’s hope rob scheinders politics free sketch comedy show goes somewhere. Doubtful tho.

My wife was watching a clip of it on YouTube when I got home from work. I debated divorce.

My chick has Zero clue what’s going on in politics. I love her for it

This is like listening to a Korean prisoner confess their war crimes. WTF happened to this dude?

This Conan podcast is abysmally bad, I could barely finish it. It's a complete mess, it's structured like shit and makes no sense. He's an awful host and still talks to guests like they're on TV. He's also terrified of anyone saying anything offensive, and constantly apologizes for and runs D for Bill. Don't have edgy (for all in tents and porpoises) comics on your show then, faggot.

I listened to the Bill episode, I shan't be returning for another. I never liked Conan and I never found him funny anyway.