Regrets? He's had a few

1  2019-01-18 by crookedmile


CQ is a class act spending time with retarded elderly women.

The only time Colin was at his house, and that was for Anthony's basement show after he was fired, and before the "studio in the city". Dani Brand took this photo. Dani is the daughter of Stress Factory owner, Vinnie Brand. This was very much a favor called in to Vinnie by his daughter.

Not a big ant fan but from their interactions on O and A I would say Colin genuinely liked Anthony.

How could anyone know Colin? He needs material all the time. Of course he did Vinnie Brand a favor.

I'm sure Ant had a few as well, amirite fellas?

He's also an opioid addict and a child grooming suspected molester

You can't downvote the truth, fuckface.

Poor Beavis

But then again,

Na-na's demented...

I want to smell Colin’s sweater.

Yad smell Easter Lilies, the musk of the rainy midsummer night still lingering while an old man with womenly legs fingers an Irish lass on a haystack talking about New York in the 70's and her rolling her eyes at the man