Miss Piggy Schumer Slams Instagram Account for Photoshopping Her Image

1  2019-01-18 by ConchoPetesHugePenis


They tried to unpig her

She also slams a cheesecake for breakfast every day but weirdly that doesn't make the headlines.

"this is not good for our culture"

Yes it is. Obesity is an epidemic. Editing the picture to make you look skinnier says that being fat is unhealthy and not ok.

They didn't even bother to remove her Snow Miser chin. I agree with Piggy, it is an awful shop job.

There’s only so much you can do with a blob of shit.

I-I-I-I... ate too much!

37?? Seriously? She looks like she's in her 50's. Funny how these actresses never become obsessed with 'beauty standards' until they hit the wall. A cynic might guess that it's all just one big form of elaborate rationalization for their own ugliness that becomes an ideology.

I only agree with "Woof"