Gadzooks! O and A sub circa 1890!

1  2019-01-17 by bobodid911


Alright. "A sheeny TURD"? A-sheeny should now be Anthony's name.

TURD?! 10... 20... 25... 30... 35... AHHHHHHHHHH car crash

Poor Turd. He just wanted to help test those airbags.

If anything happens to him cow...

This is great.


Seems like a typical anti-Irish polemic of the late 19th century. If only they'd listened. We shamrocks destroyed every culture we touched.

Don't really know about ''the Irish problem'', but I dated an Irish girl . That red headed, pale, freckly girl left me with deeply ingrained fetish for girls like that...hey does Bill Burr have a WAY younger sister?

true, I used to work with a girl like that, total tomboy, shamrock wrist tat but red haired with freckles. she was still damn cute

No, it was the ((( pope))) trying to subvert the Protestant US by shipping in as many Catholics as they could. It's wht you have a lot of Irish/Polish/Italian historic communities on the East Coast. They are all Catholic.

It was actually big money trying to ship in cheap labour as it is today not some mad Catholic plot you fucking lunatic.

The pope rapes children

It was really the two-pronged assault of Irish (Catholic) and German (Catholic or Lutheran which is similar) immigration in the 1800s, with those two making being the two largest white ethnicities in the US today.

The native Calvinist Anglo elite reacted badly to this influx, culminating in Prohibition (since Catholics and Lutherans both use wine as a sacrament).

sheeny is a great racial slur

Ed O'Donnel "wears a plug in his ass to keep the protoplasm from running out"

It, like most things, apparently belongs to (((them))).

AdultererWithTuberculosis did good work

The sheeny knows I like sure things

Hold on, Hold on, Hold on lets go to the telegraphs. We got Eugene in North Carolina. “Jim Norton stinks FULL STOP”

“Aww baby boooy, you really motherfucked me there”