1  2019-01-17 by Fugga6969


Hope he dies in his sleep. Kids dont want to play a shitty ancient failure of a console you faggot.

Harsh but fair.

Typical grooming tactics

It even appears that he has a semi boner in this photo

Something about a cancer kid gets me going

Me too. Just the fact that he/she won’t be able to live to testify gives me a boner like you’ve never seen

What's the point of helping people if no one congratulates you?

If you won't I'm going to post that in that faggots thread.

Please do.

also link it


Fucking retards already making chip son noises, I don't like Morton's fans

And now I'm banned from /gaming for brigading lol.

I made one comment in that thread and it was before I even saw this thread. Guess it hurts to hear the truth.

I want the footage of him bounding past the first white kid who offered to be in the photo with him to get his hands on this kid. Better optics.

How many stickers did reddit give him for being so selfless?

LOL how did he even get to tour the hospital and take pics? I'd assume someone at or near the front desk would take the item and thank you. This faggot donated a used game console only because he admittedly had no use for it himself, yet acts like the hospital should name a wing after him.

he bargained for it. One shitty game console no one likes in exchange for one pic so he can get useless internet points.

And it's one of the worst console of the last 20 Years or so

Doctor: "We call this wing, Faggot Low T Nerd.

I'd assume someone at or near the front desk would take the item and thank you.

That's almost certainly what would have happened. The only way this is even slightly less douchey is if the person at the desk was so grateful they said he could go to the ward to deliver it himself. Even in that case though, he still chose to ul this to Reddit to congratulate himself.

If this dickhead truly wanted be selfless then give he'd give them something he didn't want to part with i.e. his Switch, not asked for a picture to be taken and not ul to Reddit.

But then how would he get meaningless internet points and stickers doing that?

"Yeah, and I need a cancer kid to be in the photo - a brown one. Not, not bald - that's just disgusting..."

I absolutely 100% guarentee and bet both of my testicles that his Wii U is gathering dust not because he has new responsibilities in life, gave up video gaming, or even thinks lesser of Nintendo after the absolute failure that was the Wii U, but because baby got a new shiny toy, the Nintendo Switch :0!!!!

fucking pathetic. Any of these losers who talk about how we should boycott EA, Activision, 2K, Valve, and any other video game companies that have bad business practices then proceed to hop on their Switch should hop off a skyscraper. Nintendo has been doing this EA-tier shit you complain about since the 80's but you don't notice it because they cover it all up with the bright colours and the characters.

you're not wrong man, i also hate the revisionist history that nintendo saved the gaming industry, lol faggots forget the spectrum and c64

Found the Englishman, no American ever had a "zed x spectrum."

found the waterhead, the spectrum and commodore was popular over europe+austraila

i'm not english either (we had zx-81's)


Hold on - take it easy, brotherman. Have a grapefruit wobbly-pop.

all in wit da bewbs, mahn

If you look at his profile, it says he's a regular in the switch subreddit, so you're right. What an asshole.

I use to game a shit ton as a teen and early 20s. Now that I've reached age 30, I barely game at all. The only game I've really sat down and played in the past two years is Red Dead Redemption 2. I have a PS4 but really only use it for streaming movies, which isn't often either.

As someone growing up and loving video games, I never saw myself falling out of love with them. Then I found some real hobbies that are a hundred times more rewarding and never looked back. People confuse video games with hobby, when in reality, they're just lazy sacks of shit that would rather play make believe at ComiCon and sit infront of screens all day.

video games ruin lives

They really do. My best friend growing up was my next door neighbor. We grew up gaming together and he went off the deep end. He is my age, dropped out of school to play WoW originally. Literally logged 4 YEARS of game time in it. Now he spends all of his limited amounts of money (never keeps his part time job, makes excuses on why he can't work because he "aches" etc etc.) on his gaming PC and cigarettes. Every waking moment he has he is in front of the screen smoking. We have grown apart but remain friends to where I will visit and nothing has changed. This same guy will bitch about deserving free health care because "his Canadian friends online love their health care..."

It's gonna get really bad soon with VR. The addictiveness and immersion factor will cause people to really neglect their own lives and their family's lives.

Imagine your dad being a video game dork. This is already reality for millions of kids.

Or worse, your dad being a wrestling dork. At least video games are relevant in pop culture.

What about wrestling video game dorks? That's like dork2

All vidya is for children

Take my upboop and scram, friendo

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

You're welcome. I'm only replying to inspire others.

Is someone cutting onions?


"Edit: this is my highest rated comment and it's about fisting geriatrics lol so random"

I've done better things for people and I'm human garbage.

This guy is a piece of shit, and I'm going to send him abusive messages. Thanks, OP.

Same, I tell no one about the shit I do because that's the point. If I was to read that this guy was attacked by a group of feral "teens" while trying to take a photo for reddit I don't think I could stop cumming.

And if he got attacked by a pack of niggers, it would be his fault

silly cancer-head will think it's a toilet, because he looks indian

no joke though, it's fucking disgusting this faggot had to pose for a pic for his own "charitable" cause, prick man, he shouldn't wake up tomorrow, god

I love how all the people here who have nothing but hate in their hearts me included are calling these faggots out for not being genuinely caring.

We might as well just change the sub name to r/cynicalassholes

The asshole part is redundant.


Matthew 6:1

That little street shitter will be dead before level 8

I hate my Wii U and should probably donate that hunk of shit to some dying kid too.

That's odd, cuck looking faggot beta males like this guy aren't known to be karma obsessed homos.


He probably loves being a chat mod for free.

I hope the kid coughs on him and gives him Malaria.