It's a safe bet to assume that any potential women Jim Norton talks to online, will find this place through one simple Google search. In essence; this place is essentially preventing him from finding "happiness".

1  2019-01-17 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Doesn't make the first page of search results though (, but it doesn't seem to matter, since there's a wealth of content about him from this place. The subs pestering, worm jokes, Princes Alena references and documentaries are highly likely to have effected his search for "love". Good work, fellas.

(By contrast - although Anthony's shenanigans with this place won't turn up on the first page of results - the articles about his domestic abuse and jail time does)


No way. Jim Norton is a revered celebrity and excellent stand-up comedian. The first results will be his appearance in the critically acclaimed Spiderman movie with his top notch line; "He stinks, and I don't like him". The next result will be his fantastic comedy routine about sucking dick under a porch as a kid and obsessing over trannies. He's a celebrity and a total catch.

That's weird because this place makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Still not convinced it isn't a CIA experiment.

The princess Alena story still makes me smirk.

Half his act for about twenty years has been about hooker piss and shemale dicks. A Google search has a bunch of articles calling him a sex pervert and constant client of prostitutes and the first comedy bit from a Google search is him joking about shemales and getting fucked in the ass with a strapon by a hooker.

He thinks he can have that sort of public track record for decades and still get good 20 year old pussy. He's a nutcase.

That too, and that's a big component of why he can't find a nice girl. BUT...I'd like to think we also help with that, because we're the only ones who actively enjoy criticizing him. Just the image of someone going "Well, he's funny and he has money, so I'll give it a shot despite his material.", then coming here and reading about how much of a worm he is? It's a great thing to imagine.

It's a great thing, but rest assured that his appearance and personality are even more repellent than the search results.

Ironically, this place is also preventing anyone who posts here from finding happiness also. We’re all trapped in the same hell

Women having eyes prevents Jim Norton from finding happiness.

Four seconds of his twitchy snorting make them run. It's evolutionary survivalism. They innately know they must not breed with such a genetic disaster.