Are Rogan & Bert the only shitty comedians who waste entire podcasts pontificating on the craft and business of comedy without ever saying a funny thing?

1  2019-01-17 by PottybreakChip

Is it true that the shittier you are as a comedian, the more you’ll posture yourself as a comedy critic and as an expert in all things comedy? Am I just getting the wrong impression from Rogan, Bert, Apatow, Pete Holmes and Al Madrigal? Are they the only shorty comedians who act like that?


Pretty much every comedy podcast does this, even Bawby's.

"Even Bawby's," he's one of my favorite people on radio/podcasts, but also one of the worst, when he is left in charge.

When Bob Kelly is controlling a podcast, it's exactly how I imagine him talking to his therapist sounds like.

I'm yet to hear more disgusting stuff than Bobby talking about sex acts in detail, that fucking tub of lard. Yuck.

That sounds upsetting to listen to, that's when you skip ahead like it's an advertisement.

You just can't let Bobby be in control of the conversation. He doesn't care that people are listening, he needs to get out whatever is bugging him at the moment.

There always needs to be someone in the room who gets radio/broadcasting more than Bob, even younger comics like Dan Soder and Luis J Gomez, can get it back to funny.

Bobby was best on podcasting when Colin Quinn was destroying him because of his fatness. That podcast works everytime.

Not Comedy Bang Bang. They're just funny for the sake of it. They're drama kid queers but at least they own that shit, you fag.

Did I post right here? I don't know how to seem tough, relatable, funny and not gay all at once.

It's a skill most of us will never achieve

Nah, you’re a needy flamer and a little bitch.

Isn't that what Bobby called eating two styles of dinner in Louie?

That's impossible. I'm happy getting just one of them right.

Bert is this unfunny retard who likes to laugh at his own jokes before even finishing them. Joe Rogan will never be funny because for him, it is never about making the other person laugh. Pete Holmes is just like Bert who laughs at his own jokes . The overrated and the worst for me is Ari Shaffir - unfunny piece of shit

funny thing about joe is I wouldnt even know him as a comedian. I think he would be less popular than Ari Shaffir without Fear Factor. People do seem to like his podcast, but I dont think people regard him as funny on the podcast.

You're forgetting the UFC

Joe Rogan has the most popular podcast in the world, I've listened to it a lot over years. I can't think of any time Joe Rogan has made me laugh.

Joe Rogan is way too intense and serious to be funny. That's probably why he considers Joey Diaz to be the best comedian, Joey's the only guy who is more intense and has more veins popping out of his neck when he talks.

Joey Diaz at least has funny asides and good stories.

Bad Bronx fiction.

I always knew Diaz embellished stories, but he straight up stole one of Theo Von's (also a massive liar) childhood stories and made it his own. Diaz actually stole someone else's childhood story (that was likely untrue to begin with) and made it his own; on camera. Something about kids throwing stones or something, I can't remember. He's a pathological liar and his fans are retarded. He is pretty funny sometimes though.

which were stolen. i always know he was a bullshitter. he has habit of just remembering elaborate stories and having the knack of bumping in to famous people in new jersey and boulder Colorado

I was doing coke with Lemmy, 1984. And this fucking mook walked in and ....,

Are you retarded? Provide proper context you muppet.

Shut your mouth

Is your keyboard far away or what

Its up my ass come find it babe

I personally don't really get it, to me it seems like you have to love his style.

Joey Diaz says, "so I took a ladder up to this girls bedroom, and I sneak in there, and I start eating her box, then I sneak back out down the ladder," and Joe Rogan is just crying with laughter.

Legit forgot Rogan was even a comedian

He was great on newsradio. One of the best sitcoms ever

Was he great on Newsradio or was he just there? Would’ve been the most replaceable member of the cast if the redhead & black lady weren’t such dead weight.

Are actors great in anything? Empty vessels IMO. Best when unnoticed.

He was the least funny part of the show, he played the token jock guy, all he had to be is the first guy with a 6 pack to come in to the auditions.

I thought Rogans netflix special was surprisingly funny. I was expecting to hate it.

come on ! he yelled the "punchlines" for an hour. yuck

Ari at least doesnt apologize for anything. But that's heavily outweighed by being a jew. What I'm saying is it's a tough one man.

Ari recorded a cokehead sucking a fart from his asshole

Thats a lifetime pass.

There's like 10 funny comics that aren't douchebags. 5 of them I can probably name, the other 5 I've probably never have and never will hear of.


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Don't forget about Maron. He's the king of the unfunny blowhards.

Yeah. That self loathing Jew is the least funny motherfucker I’ve ever heard, and he talks about himself as if he is good. Norm flat out told him that he was a better broadcaster than comedian. I don’t thinks he’s worth a fuck at either.

The self-loathing schtick is a tactic (((they))) use to provide cover for their insane narcissism.

I love when Maron fancies himself as an intellectual. Dude is dumb as a brick.

I love how bitter he is of anyone younger and more successful.

Add Joey Diaz to the list. “Tha thing about cawmedy dawg...” followed by 45 mins of zero insight.

the only person I’ve heard be interesting about “writing comedy” is Tony Hinchcliffe. Whereas most shitty comics just say 20 variations of “you just need to write maaaan,” Hinchcliffe actually spoke about the process on how a premise may appear in daily life and then how to develop it into a bit. In his example, playing patty cake with an infant in a hot car through the closed window to keep it conscious because Tony was afraid of being accused of kidnapping if he broke the window out to save the infant. Stumbling in the premise walking out on a Walmart while on the road.

I'd love to hear him talking out that concept if you recall where he talks about it. That patty cake joke sounds prime

You gotta write, Joe Rogan. I'm tellin ya, you gotta. So I smoke 15 joints, down a half a bottle of zanax and write for 5 minutes before I pass out. Now, have I ever told you the story about me kidnapping some mook?

I would be so embarrassed if I was them. They spent hours upon hours breaking down the ins and outs of crafting their stand up comedy, yet when you see their special, it’s some of the most shallow and unfunny material ever. I mean, half of Bert’s schtick is taking his shirt off for God’s sake.

Illiza Schlesinger is guilty of this. Heard her on a podcast trashing dumb chick comedy, so I turn on her special. Big surprise, it's dumb chick comedy. Great tits though.

This x100000. I Spent the first few years as a fan of Joe Rogan listening to him talk about crafting his hour of material, and locking himself away in a room and writing all day. When I finally came to watch his stand-up it was just the usual ‘so I was jacking off in a hotel room’ jokes.

In an ideal world, all comedians would be burned alive.

Except norm & colin

and Attell and Stanhope

Fella by the name of Germ Nordegren does this as well.

That Iliza Shlesinger is one funny dame

They're certainly not the only ones. Its at least half of all alleged comedy podcasts.

comedy podcasters are the worst.

I completely forgot Al Madrigal existed. Talk about unfunny.

steve o alpha'd that bitch

Wha happened?

I’ve noticed that usually the more someone talks about comedy adjacent things the less chances are they are a great comic. Maybe Seinfeld is an exception because he’s a purist. Do any of the really great comedians working today - Rock, CK, Chappell need a podcast? Burr and Tom Segura have podcasts but they aren’t obsessed with talking about being a comedian.

No Burr is obsessed with sports talk, reminding you that white people are exactly like in every commercial or sitcom and that his gummy wife is the funniest person on earth besides him and Patrice (still choking up 7 years later). I want these people back in chains.

No there are plenty of them. It makes me hate comedy. A musician who plays great then can explain triads, sustained 3rds, chromatic phrygian scales is far more respectable. These assholes just make you laugh then brag to each other how it's like their own language that anyone who isn't authorized to be part of their group cannot comprehend the wizardry they possess.

Rogan had the balls to criticize Louie's Parkland jokes.

"y'know, they weren't the best jokes......I wouldn't have done them......."

Fuck what you would have done, you midget-faggot dolla bills y'all hack-fuck hack!

I really hate that cunt. Every quality guest only serves to highlight how shit he is.

He's the most popular podcaster in the world, and he's a net minus.

What would he have said instead? "Imagine if Thomas Paine was alive RIGHT NOW. That'd be WILD!" {humps a stool}

Tigerbelly and Norm MacDonald live say fuck that shit. They actually try to make funny mappen

Bobby Lee is really underrated. You mentioning him made me realize that his brother, Steve, is 10x's more funny than nearly everyone listed in this thread.

He really is isnt he

its either that or a collection cunt slut comics whining about patriachy and the duty that real comics have to punching up

ugh fucking pete holmes sucks

No, almost every comedian does that.

The only time Kreischer made me laugh was on the Unmasked they played earlier this week.

"My favorite Ron & Fez moment ever ever ever ever ever ever ever .... I'm in my car with my wife and I say to her "we gotta listen to Ron & Fez, it's great". So I turn the station on and ..... 15 seconds of silence". It got a huge laugh. Of course it wasn't Bert that made the story funny, it was the R&F show.

Theo Von(with guests or on other shows) fighter and the kid, legion of skanks, tigerbelly with bobby lee are fun.

You forgot about the biggest fagaloon of them all, Sam Seder.

How is telling funny jokes a craft? Jesus christ, they knew how to treat comedians and other jesters like that in the middle ages, talk about unwarranted confidence.

I think it also depends on your project. I don't think the Joe Rogan Experience is meant to be a funny podcast. Sometimes it's funny, often it's not. Judd Apatow has made enough funny movies to be considered funny, even if he's not in interviews. Jerry Seinfeld is almost never funny, but he made Seinfeld. Louis CK was very funny at times, but turned all serious and advice showy the only time he hosted O&A alone Still a great, funny comic. I don't think they have to be funny all the time is what I'm saying, you just have to have the right expectations.

Half the time Joe and his comedy friends get high on the podcast, they talk about how hard comedy was, the years they worked, and how tough they had it to get to the top.

Joe lucked into the fear factor job. He's good at shooting the shit, and that's what made his podcast #1 in the world, but he's a horrible standup. He just screams, makes intense facial expressions and says "they're just jokes folks". I've seen him live with Hinchcliffe. Hinchcliffe had me in tears talking about black pussy and the fact that everyone thinks he's gay. Tony is a decent writer, but Bert just tells the same stories and gets drunk, Joey Diaz steals stories and never lets anyone else talk. His schtick gets old real fast, and people like Tom Papa, Greg Fitzsimmons, Chris D'Elia and Theo Von I think just aren't funny. Brody Stevens is the only other funny one out of the Rogan bunch and he's insane. The fact that he touched a tranny dick and admitted he was "10% gay" always made me laugh.


Give me Gilbert Gottfried anyday. That dude crushes and isn't afraid to speak about anything. Norm Macdonald,

Yeah. That self loathing Jew is the least funny motherfucker I’ve ever heard, and he talks about himself as if he is good. Norm flat out told him that he was a better broadcaster than comedian. I don’t thinks he’s worth a fuck at either.

What would he have said instead? "Imagine if Thomas Paine was alive RIGHT NOW. That'd be WILD!" {humps a stool}

Is your keyboard far away or what