I'm writing a pilot for a new cop drama I was wondering if I can get you guys' opinion on it??????????

1  2019-01-17 by goldstandard32

The show follows the life of Detective Button Fox and his partner Some Black Guy who are assigned to the Los Angeles beat and get entangled with the Hollywood and tech elite. Detective Fox must decide if he's on the side of the law or whether he wants to accept bribes from the elitists and live in luxury. What do you think?


Write a suicide note instead.

I'll get right on it

It's kinda like Sliders?

Whichever gets us to the gay sex first.

Can some black guy die in the first five minutes and is never mentioned again?

I'm not looking for co-writers alright, this is big boy stuff, I just need opinions.

starring Mel Gibson and Eric Andre?

Detective Some Black Guy should commit a rape at least once per episode

Says the resident faggot...

I didn’t read your post and I want you to die.

What about a contract killer hired to kill people’s dogs? Maybe the neighbors don’t like it barking, the dad doesn’t like the dog etc etc (tons of scenarios). And it’s called “The Dogsassin”.

You stole that!

Point out where? Parallel thinking? I was walking my dog buzzed on a few different substances and thought of this weeks ago.

It's nearly word for word an episode of Seinfeld. Elaine can't sleep sho she hires a dog assassin to take care of the problem. Turns out it's Newman and he does it regularly.

Ah fuck I remember that one I’m a faggg. Good thing I’m not a content creator and just retarded.

I thought you were doing a that whole Ant/Seinfeld story bit. You should pitch it to the guy who played Newman as a spin off series. He doesn't seem to be doing much these days.

No but I almost pulled a Jim and was going to act like I had never seen Seinfeld

I was staying at a hotel earlier this week and watching the trash TV in my room and there is a new show on the Hallmark channel or whatever the one is that plays old Perry Mason shows where the main character lady's name is Ruby Herring. Like red herring. Get it?

Long story short, I think you've got a fighting chance in the TV world, my friend. You seem like you'd fit right in.

Point out where? Parallel thinking? I was walking my dog buzzed on a few different substances and thought of this weeks ago.