If anyone is bored this Saturday go meet Bobo, he is giving out stickers again

1  2019-01-17 by ShitDickery


Landaus Gluttonous Maddam?

Lets Go Mets

Thanks for that vital clarification

Retard let Anthony rape his sister, yet he still has to spruik Nana’s network to keep his open invite to the compound.

If someone ends up going they need to ask him what was the hot tub story

Excuse my language but I would rather take a long walk off of a short pier.


Any way to get Antifa to protest him?

Someone should alert antifa that this man is planning to distribute hate propaganda.

Weather forecast said some snow tomorrow night for Queens, sounds like enough to make snowballs to bean him with

Oh no, his mom is gonna get fucked up again when she comes to pick him up.

End of February Spring training starts, he will give her the Troy Quan down the stairs again

Is he actually involved in the convention or is he just going to be walking around handing out stickers like an autistic retard?

He is just going handing out stickers he did same last year at Mets game


print out his sister's IG posts and ask him to autograph them

The one posted here with Nigger dicks photo shopped around her face would be better

I actually am very busy Saturday, but I'll be goddamned if I'm going to miss out on free Dave Landau stickers.

Especially this one just look at the quality https://i.imgur.com/wexiltO.png?1

My god. I hope Dave is beaten with chains

I don't think they let Bobo's people drive.

Lets Go Mets