Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Hold on, hold on, hold on...

1  2019-01-16 by GorramTimebomb


they look like twins.

"You look like you could be my brother, man." And thus a classic term was coined.

Did he really say this to someone?

Man, he really is handsome.

So's Matthew!

Have you accepted the fact that you're a retarded homo yet?

Oh no, not you again.


Have we talked before? There's quite a few Opie love bit faggots lately so I'm never sure.

Opie and Ron Howard's brother

I can't wait until we start hating Opie again.

If he doesn't start putting out more stuff soon, you won't have to wait long. It's been over 4 years of Opie hate, we're far too used to it.

I honestly don't think those days will return unless he does something really stupid.


By comparison he is so much better than the whop or the worm.

Not being as funny is a minor crime in the long run.

He almost came close with the spinning Joe Rogan video. But that blew over soon enough, since he didn't take to Twitter to fight everyone making fun of him like a goddamn moron. Imagine that.

He almost came close with the spinning Joe Rogan video

whats this now

the balls on this man to post this without shame

The balls on Joe Rogan to not respond to Opie.

Opies biggest crime was being generally unfunny. Compared to Nana and the worm he looks saintly.

oh god shut the fuck up with this false narrative you fucking sheep. hes a dog killing sociopath abuser of the disabled who tortured people like denny. hes fuckin garbage and worse than the worm.

get cancer you worthless faggot

Just another HATER.

his platform is so small at this point and he is just doing shit to have fun...he doesn't really give us much material. oh no, he copied another shitty dad joke on twitter....thats about it

The bitch ass faggot swirling around like a cocksucker video he made crying about Rogan not responding should have been the end of the gutless “Opie is the brotha man” bit era. How the fuck Opie was allowed to slither on through intact in the blinded eyes of the piss sock lovers is beyond me?!

Those were artistic camera shots! The Opester's an artist. Changing the podcast and YouTube game brothamaaaaa

Make fun.of McConaughey all you want but you know he'd be fun to hang nwith

Dancing naked on the beach smoking a bong at a party with a bunch of hot chicks.

I'd try and tag along.

You'd try to dance with him naked?

There is an old pic of him doing all those things.

"There I was dancing naked wth Matt McConaughey after smoking a bong at a party with a bunch of hot girls"

That story would still sound cool as fuck if you went "There I was with his dick in my ass"

Weed, maaan

Isn't there a widely known rumor around Hollywood that McConaughey is Bi?

I’d let him give me a Rusty Cohle

My ass is a flat circle

What is that, Liberace you piece of shit?

We're all the same, maaann. It's alrighttt...

I wanna party him at the moon tower with my 10-year-old neice.

Greg looks fat

Jealousy is a cruel mistress

Only one g in Greg? Must be talking about someone else.

Careful, you might step on some Greggshells

What's so special about this picture of a man standing next to a mirror? I must be missing something.

You got a grapefruit lager? It'd be a lot cooler if you did...

Thats what I love about those preschool girls... -Ant

You cool man?

Two cool dudes!

Tits hair cut is just fucking ridiculous. Never in the history of hair did that ever look good. Ellen DeGeneres looking shit cunt

Who is tits?

Leave it alone

Looks like pre-production for True Detective Season 4 has begun


Yep, I read the synopsis earlier.

Two hunk maverick cops hunt down an arab paedophile former shock jock who stalks kids on Long Island.

Actually it would read as follows. One hunk maverick cop and a disgraced, talentless former radio host fired for filming someone taking a shit that has a gut and man tits that won't leave aforementioned hunk maverick cop alone pestering for him to call him and hang out. There. That's more like it.

True Destroyer

I never can tell who's who.

I use this as a mantra when I meditate tug on my pud.

This is the absolute worst picture of Opie I've ever seen. This is his "Anthony with Mike Tyson."

He looks like a chubby lesbian.

hes putting on weight for his role

Agreed..and that hair. Yikes

This is embarrassingly awful. That terrible striped shirt that's wrinkled, too large, and not tucked in, his lesbian choker and lastly his gay euro haircut. Looks like he was visiting America from Sweden in 2004.

Photoshopped wavy pinstripes

Couple a wavy lines? I don't-

Looking like a pair of lesbians

For those wondering: Opie inherited his dad's weekend wardrobe. Mr. Hughes had sewed numerous pcokets in the interior to hold treats and supplies for his prodigious brood. To this day, though the Brothaman's family is smaller, he is always prepared for every occasion.

Opinie is a Rickyy Rockett looking douche.Yuck!

Awwww. How far along is Opie?

Looks like one of those incel/chad comparison drawings but in real life


Just a couple of models doing model things

Mcconaughey's fatter, trans, retarded brother.

He has the body of Rodger from American Dad.


I’ve been friends with Opie since.....long before I got paid to be his friend.

3rd trimester

Those guys fuck.

I can taste the psychosphere up in dis mug!!!

Opie looks like Kevin Spaceys wacky brother.

An older pregnant Ukrainian woman with her drug dealer son

You know Opie was standing there convinced that it was just a picture of two celebrities with similar stories and of equal success and fame. Really Opie could care less about getting a fanboy picture with Mr McConaughey, but because their personalities clicked so well together and they were having such a blast, they wanted something to help remember this epic bro hang by.

Dem tiddies doh.

Is this a bald opie altered photo? I can never tell anymore...

Okay you guys can joke all you want but Opie looks fantastic here. Don't pretend you wouldn't let that absolute MILF give you an angry handjob in the car.

Anthony is still a pedophile

Here Opie looks even more like an elderly woman than Ant

I like how Opie dresses down to help some of the more average-looking guests feel better.

I think Sharrod sees Opie's body and instinct makes he's stick around.

This pic was after their Jay Leno appearance. Who dressed him in that garbage !

That's a really close pose. One or more may be not hetro.

just an alpha male standing next to a hollywood star