Just saw Von Decarlo on tv

1  2019-01-16 by BobKellys5thFat

Shes promoting some dumb GNC weightloss commercial. Her ass was fat as fuck tho. Jim Norton has aids


Her body is curvaceous her hairdoo and face are beat tho.

Her weird stretchmarked stomach is gross too

Not a dealbreaker for me but I can see your concern.

What is it fuckin cornbread supplements or something


An up vote for your quick draw cuntiness. Actually made me spit laugh.

I hope you then drove your truck into a lake.

But, that would be a bad, and costly ordeal for him.

I don't drive a truck, I drive a Toyota, like a gentleman. You fucking slack-jawed faggot.

Toyota's are for gooks and poor people.

Were you so hungover that you tried to open her joke with your garage door opener?

Von at the corner of Malcolm X & Adam Clayton Powell, surrounded by rich white people, quietly whispering "honey chicken" to the girl at the counter, trying not to be embarrassed.

I mean, she's most famous for having lost 400 lbs

Line of the day Line of the day Line of the day

Her ass is always fat as fuck
