JoMo never fails to Mo.

1  2019-01-16 by RBuddCumia


58 year old man posting this.

With his grotesque, Neanderthal thumb

Peeling all those potatoes in the army really took its toll.

And all the man ass it has called home.

Nah, I think he hit his thumb with the frying pan while he was choking his ex after he dropped his kid off (late, of course).

58 year old cunt.

Schick is awful. The blades clog and make it unusable during the first shave.

He's also buying a 20 pack of the really shitty ones. Not even a Quattro.

Yeah, but at least the don’t make offensive tv commercials, unlike the Gilettetards.

I hope he tries burning his old razors only to start a fatal condo fire.

In the microwave with any luck.

Schick Hydro 5 is the best a hairy asshole can get

Anyone not using a safety razor is a fool. $10 handle, $32 for a year of blades for a new blade every single day.

Can you shave your balls with those?

You can but you have to be careful because the corners of the blade are exposed.

Yeah fuck that

You forgot to plug /r/wicked_edge

I hear that if someone posts anything about razors on reddit, and nobody brags about their safety razor without plugging that site, Jesus rips the wings off an angel baby.

Any man who doesn't use Harry's or another shave subscription is a pansy.

You have to push the thing down and rinse it under the faucet a lot, but it's clean-able, you crazy sum'bitch. I like Schtick way better than Gillette. (Cheaper too)

I got thick facial hair so it doesn’t really rinse out for me

Jack tells me you have a great big cock.

Only compared to Sue Lightning

why is he buying pampers?

Because he's an incontinent old idiot.

I don't know but HE IS NOT A PEDOPHILE.


“Hey dinchoo wear a rubba, b??”

Ant’s insurance wouldn’t let him spend another night in the hospital so Joe got tasked with taking care of him.

Probably a necessity now due to his irreparably loosened sphincter from non-stop pounding at the Big Apple Ranch.

What a good question. This could be a new saga (like the Big Apple Ranch one).

Can anyone check on wether he is caring for eithet babies or elderly people?

It’s actually juice boxes for kids which is way creepier

Stupid people are exhausting

Finally, some self-awareness.

You’re one of the dumbest people I know.

I wouldn’t say she’s dumb. Crazy, yes, but not dumb.

so no more nikes and gillette. can't wait until mcdonald's does something so joe will run to bk.

Burger King did a lame Drumpf joke today.

Carl's Jr?

Plus we all know Wendy has always been a feminist cunt. And don't even get me started about the Taco Bell dog.

That bad little hombre raped a blonde chick.

He should just boycott all food and starve to death

It shouldn't be hard. That cheap fuck already lives off of only meal comps from his 2U gigs and Big Apple Ranch patrons buying him drinks/food

Of course he did. Such a fucking robot.

What’s his motivation behind being on Twitter? Is he so childish and stupid that he hasn’t figured out that no one cares about him or his thoughts?

His only sustinence is the one or two likes he gets per tweet. That and the $60k in welfare he gets from his little brother so he can be an unemployed fatso stuffing fast food down his gullet all day.

Honest kids juice boxes really get the saliva cranking. Pro move by joe

Joe didn't like their message that men shouldn't harass, threaten and beat women with frying pans.

I guess Joe was uuuhhhfeeeehhhded by Gillette's ad.

What a snowflake

I hope he cuts his stupid fuggin face off!!!!

Who the fuck buys disposable razors

I use disposables for my dick and asshole hair.

You know what I was being ignorant and I apologize.

It's ok sweet pea

This fat sack of unemployed shit is no worse than the other faggots posting that Gillette commercial every other 5 minutes on here

He's way worse

Shick? More like Shtick or somethin'

Disgusting nigger needs to buy a pair of fingernail clippers

Finger clippers.

Hopefully with a toe trigger

Yes, I wasn't thinking. Nice one.

The boys at Big Apple Ranch love when Joe manscapes his ass with Shick razors

He blindly follows every right-wing boycott that happens. guaranteed he hasn't even seen the commercial.

Joe is legitimately the guy everyone jokes about where if a Democrat told everybody to breath Joe would try to stop breathing forever.

He is old and “got the girl”. Why the fuck does he use social media? Be an adult and go to anonymous forums and trash people there, fuckin boomer.

The thirst for internet validation is fucking nuts. From kids to old fucks like this. I will never understand it. Even people that bitch about karma on reddit.

Nobody cares.

I am sick of people getting outraged by commercials. Stop watching ads, are you stupid or something?

Am I missing something? What's with the gillette advertising everywhere?

The ad is apparently designed to trigger people.

what a gay cunt

The person who shared his post should be hit by a truck. While holding hands with JoeH.

Men who buy razors at the store are functionally retarded.

What did Gillette do now? I'm guessing it's something inconsequential.

They made a commercial about being a good dad- so naturally joe is fucking livid.

Who are these 20 assholes liking and laughing at his status? Imagine sincerely thinking "That's a good one, Joe."

i imagine one lives in brooklyn and one lives in queens...

So, so, so, so, so...

Gilette takes the controversial stance that bullying and sexual harassment are wrong. Joe boycotts.

Ignoring the irony that his brother's entire life, as a man in his 50s, is governed by his father continually calling hims a 'pissy eyed faggot' when he was a kid.

Gilette takes the controversial stance that bullying and sexual harassment are wrong.

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

Where'd you come from character. 5 month old account. How did you join us here?

I love that dummies like Joe think their Gillette boycott is going to make any kind of difference. The result of the Nike boycott was their sales went up 30%. Gillette doesn’t give a fuck about social justice, this is just a cynical stunt to boost brand awareness by causing a shit storm.

Also, if you actually wanted to make a dent you’d have to boycott the parent company Proctor and Gamble which makes the following products:

Always (brand) Ambi Pur Ariel (detergent) The Art of Shaving Aussie (shampoo) Bold (detergent) Bounty (brand) Braun (company) Charmin Cheer (brand) Citrus Hill Clairol CoverGirl Crest (toothpaste) Crest Whitestrips Dawn (brand) Daz (detergent) Downy Dreft Eukanuba Fairy (brand) Febreze Gain (detergent) Head & Shoulders Herbal Essences Iams Ivory (soap) Joy (dishwashing liquid) Luvs Magic Eraser Max Factor Melamine foam Mr. Clean Nice 'n Easy (hair coloring) Noxell Olay Old Spice Oral-B Oral-B Glide Pampers Pantene Puffs (facial tissue) Rembrandt toothpaste Rochas Vidal Sassoon Scope (mouthwash) Secret (deodorant brand) SK-II Swash (brand) Swiffer Tampax Tide (brand)

Go ahead Joe, really stick it to them. I’m sure your family won’t miss toothpaste, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent and tampons.

P&G give a nice fat sum to the Republicans each year via their PAC; they ain't that woke.

He doesn’t use toilet paper so he’s fine.

damnit, i love my swiffer

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is my joint.

He's literally one of those men who should have stood up to an abuser he knew, Anthony.

This leeching faggot can take all the pictures he wants but Anthony is the one who decides which one to pay for at the counter

Imagine this from the perspective of a regular person watching him from the other end of the aisle.

Razor burn to own the libs.

Since this entire subreddit has become nothing but endless whining about the culture wars it seems like he fits right in.

Joe is a full on NPC

Have fun with dull blades.

What faggot is still going to the store for this shit?

The ad annoyed me...but after seeing this picture, I feel like I should go out and buy Gillette

I would cut my dad's head off if he posted shit like this for the world to see.

The next picture has a fist in it. Guess what he's doing with that.

Snowflake Joe at it again.

He needs to do guilty by association and take calls. No screening or hanging up.

Dumb wop is still buying shitty overpriced razors. Buy a double edge shaver and $20 of blades and your set for a year.

Imagine how mentally ill he must have looked to the cashier and anyone else around him who saw him taking a photo of himself giving a pack of razors a thumbs up.

Oh my god. What an attention seeking piece of shit. This is what a 13 year old does to feel edgy.

You know, Joe actually makes me examine my own beliefs when he posts these ignorant diatribes. I’m a right leaning guy, but seeing his posts that are like a caricature of an Anthony Cumia fan make me step back and think about what I really believe.

He’s the ultimate NPC.

Also pretty sure Schick is guilty of the same virtue signaling that Gillette is getting. Dumb wop.

The idea that there's an advertising agency left with heterosexual men as anything but retired partners is ludicrous.

It's a completely female and gay industry now.

Also he's always been too poor to afford a Mach 3.

Nice sensitive skin, stupid.

They made a commercial about being a good dad- so naturally joe is fucking livid.