After a year this doesn’t fail to make me laugh.

1  2019-01-16 by RBuddCumia


That was fun

She should die again

Do you think he'd attend the second funeral?

Nah he would be too busy defending her honor on Twitter

Caring when it matters most

I could do without the baby noise references.

the sub evolved since then

Reinvented itself if you will.

Diana Orbani is the funniest.

I'm partial to Nigel myself.

Nigel Igger is so fucking funny.

In all seriousness when I saw people were doing this I was surprised at how tame (relatively speaking) the content was.

Yeah, that wasn't even 20% power. Could have been far worse.

They could've gone full force

We're not animals


If it happened today they would read “st Peter had to reject her for not being white”.

It was honestly the nicest thing the sub has ever done.

It's pathetic for him to twist it around because he's afraid to say he's sad that his mommy died.

If we wanted to be brutal and mean, you would have seen that. Unlike Joe and Anthony, we don't take pleasure from the death of people's family members.

Dani being "all choked up" is my favorite. These are tame, they are funny without being vulgar or obtuse. No one looks at these stupid online guestbooks anyways, your actual friends and family should have the decency to call or attend in person.

Dani being "all choked up"

Oh, Jesus Fuck, I just noticed that now. I'm a N. Igger.

How could you BE so obtuse??

"Give 'im 30 days to think it over...."

Why the fuck was pissy-eyed Nana so upset at this? It's mostly good natured ribbing, except for the Dani one. Was he just overreacting out of guilt, because he abandoned his dying mother for half a decade?

There’s been a few salacious rumors that Nana is a raging homosexual, and a faggot to boot.

It’s been speculated that it was the Sue ones.

I have another candle lit for Mrs. Cumia #ThoughtsAndPrayers

My stomach is hurting from laughing so hard. I forgot how funny this is.

ribs hurtin' to-DAY

I was Tony Danzer

Can you explain the comedic thought process of Danzer vs. Danza? And in terms a lowly civilian like I could understand, please.

Easy: I was drunk

I'm still trying to understand why I still laugh at "Nigel Igger."

What makes it so funny to me is the contrast between a civilized, well to do British man called Nigel, and a nigger.

Didnt anthony say her death book was defaced or he had some weird name for it? Heh

Theory: Ant and Joe callously left this funeral page open knowing trolls would post jokes on it. They then hoped to use their "outrage" as a casus belli against the sub and try to take it down.

I can't decide which one I like more, Nigel Igger or "Remember the fried bread and molasses?"