No one wants to be lectured on morality by Hollywood, the media or "comedians"

1  2019-01-16 by ConcreteSkull

All three are comprised of moral relativists and degenerates who will tell you not to judge people for being different but then spend the rest of their time pearl clutching, feigning outrage and wagging their fingers at anyone who isn't on board with their horseshit. Most of you aren't even good at your actual jobs, but you want to branch out into telling the rest of us how to live. Go fuck yourselves you fart-sniffing highfalutin fags.


Shut up old faggot. Society is changing and it's leaving you behind.

You couldn't be more right.

The future is all about caring.

I don't know why these alt right types are fighting it. Get on board and use the inevitable to your advantage like our pal judd.


One star for every jew that died in the holocaust

from Typhus

from toxic masculinity

Piss off enough of us and we'll leave your people behind in a mass burial.

Highfalutin is a word I’ve only heard from Sam Harris, until now. Good job, have an upvote.

Junior Sopranos uses it when he wants Tony to take care of that Nursing home administrator that was airing unflattering family business.

Or, least of all, "comediennes".

All 3 are industries run by drunks who become propped up by nepotism.

The fact that they can manipulate women so easily is shocking.

You misspelled jews

When it was drunk Jews, things were OK.

Is "drunks" what we're calling (((them))) now?

So what you're saying is that no one wants to be lectured by jews.

If you can't be funny, scold White people. That's comedy in 2019.

Knew I shouldn’t have clicked the link. The racist pro black comments were just as retarded.

White people... no one is tellin’ them about thwir problimatic behavior!”

Lol wut? I have to enter a media blackout if I want to go a day without hearing how awful white people are.

Can we please have the race war already.

Yikes sweaty, let me explain how your problematic existence hurts POC...nigger.

I didn't know how to end my joke response.

It's like a fucking parody. It's like something you'd see on the TV in a parody of a PC world set in the future.

Definitely some MadTV shit.


You don't like demon-worshiping junkie pederasts telling you how morally superior they are to you?


i always wonder how many kids these faggots need to fuck to get into positions of limelight relevance

A lot.

Media is owned by kikes who are morally relative people as a whole. Destroy them and movies and stand up actually starts being good again.

Stand up comedy and media is at its worst I can ever remember. Lots of production value and not much substance. You just things up to be nice with diversity and political correctness but the result is that no one has anything interesting to say.

Mark my words- lose the Jews and these problems correct themselves.

Stop noticing things!


Or by a fuckin razor company

No one wants to be lectured on morality by corporations either.

Remember how it used to be the right were the ones accused "shoving their values down peoples' throats? Now I can't turn on my phone without having some leftist news anchor, actor, comedian or corporation preaching at me about my sins like they are some street corner religious creep.

I'm a grown ass adult. I don't need liberals, conservatives or any other asshole telling me what to think.


I like to get my lectures from random people on the internet!

Solid succinct microrant. Good hustle out there