Duckman was ahead of its time

1  2019-01-16 by RelevantField


As a Duck American , I am offended !

What the hell are you staring at?!

You put your down down and thrust your pelvis!

This show and borderline softcore porn was the only thing that made the channel USA relevant in my childhood.

I wish I could still JO to Silk Stalkings.

La Femme Nikita, too.

Sue femmed Nana's keester

I wish you would HY with a silk stalking.

You’d like that, wouldn’t you, faggot.

Yes I would. Don't get off on me riffing about silk stalkings though, faggot.

Shouldn’t you be on another thread, gatekeeping the racism and doing (((this))) a lot? You fucking hack.



I'm straight.

I liked the weird science tv show. Vanessa Angel was smokin back in the day. And Parker Lewis can’t lose was also funny.

Wasn't Parker Lewis an early Fox show, or have ensuing decades of drug/alcohol abuse robbed me of my memory of that too?


USA UP All Night and The Hitchhiker (with that creepy-ass theme song)

Late-night Showcase and Bravo channels were a goldmine. Being 12 and seeing Brooke Shields naked was a highlight.

Fantastic show, every episode is hilarious

fuck I forgot about this show, thinking back were my parents ahead of their time to or just lazy for letting me watch this shit at like 7

It was the same company that did some of the Nickelodeon show at the time, they likely didn't realize what it actually was.

If I remember correctly it was on at like 10pm so they might have just been cool for letting you stay up.

eh i just read it was on in 1994 so I was about 14, my memory is a ball of moosh

Oh good there are still people older than me here.

Bill Hicks wouldn't be allowed to perform comedy today, if he were ever interested in performing comedy.

People have been sperging about (((PC culture))) since the late 80's.

Loved this cartoon

Wonder if he used this defense for Michael Richards.

Is this a good time to bring up that Jason Alexander and most the writers were Jewish?

Shh, they don’t need to know that.

Are you trying to assert that “the jews” are the primary purveyors of political correctness? Because Jewish people have been pushing limits in comedy, film, literature, and philosophy for a very long time.

Limits on everyone but themselves.

Riiiiigght. Something tells me your basement is filled with tiki torches and T-shirt’s printed with the letter “Q”

I hate the left, right and center.

Shut up faggot

cringeworthy honestly

Another thing Duckman would do brilliantly was taking 2 extreme sides of an issue and pitted them against each other to make fun of both. So much of what is considered comedy now is spoon feeding the "correct" point of view to the audience while making the other side a straw man you can toss limp glib sass at.

South Park does it still, two extremes to parody both.

USA used to be the shit when I was kid with Duckman and Weird Science (the tv show spin-off) airing back-to-back every weekend. Also USA Up All Night. Whens the last time that shit channel had anything worth a damn?

Duckman was amazing

Unironically... Nanette was challenging the entire idea of comedy and stand up, you might not have found it funny, but there is no debating that point.

Yes I would. Don't get off on me riffing about silk stalkings though, faggot.