"Look out everyone, Big Titties comin' through"

1  2019-01-16 by crookedmile


Brother Joe's girl did it better: https://youtu.be/XQyw2-1Ic6U

As a non attorney and non party, Carol is not allowed to cross the bar. Stupid fake TV show

You can tell he’s nervous that he didn’t hold the door for his hag at the first door, so he’s sure to make a big show of doing it at the second one.

was he brought to peoples court for smoking another compound guests meth?

Its funny how proud he was about this appearance. Boasting about it on twitter. Taking photos like it was a vacation. Then we actually see that they got all dressed up to make a fool of their household on national television. He brought his wife for no fucking reason.

All I see is a pair of giant boobs.